Sherri Goodman on the Need for U.S. Leadership on Ocean Research
›“I firmly believe that U.S. global leadership depends on our ocean leadership,” says Sherri Goodman in this week’s podcast.
World Economic Forum Evaluates Global Risks, Comes to Some Odd Conclusions
›With intense drought in Sao Paulo and California, devastating floods in Malawi, and escalating water-energy confrontations in many developing countries, it is no wonder water is making headlines. It’s also gained the attention of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which lists water crises as the world’s number one risk in its recently released Global Risk Assessment.
The Future of Political Demography and Its Impact on Policy
›March 9, 2015 // By Schuyler Null“Political demography is a discipline whose time has come,” said Rob Odell of the National Intelligence Council at a gathering of demographers and researchers in New Orleans. “You can sense this inherent dissatisfaction” with a lot of analytical and predictive tools in international relations, he said, and “political demography provides policymakers a way to think about long-term trends.”
Eduard Niesten, Conservation International
Conservation Agreements Reduce People-Park Conflict in Liberia
›March 6, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffWhen I began working in Liberia right after the Accra settlement ended Liberia’s civil war in 2003, I could not help worrying about whether the peace would last. Burnt-out cars lined the streets of Monrovia, bullet holes scarred many of its buildings and the wary U.N. peacekeepers manning checkpoints behind sandbags and barbed wire reinforced the sense that violence could flare up again at any time.
Efforts to Build Resilience in Sahel Focus on Food, Climate, Population Dynamics
›The Sahel – spreading from the Red Sea to the Atlantic as the Sahara Desert transitions to Sudanian savanna – is drought prone and suffers from chronic food insecurity. Yet, the region also boasts the highest fertility rates in the world, and the highest rates of marriage for young girls. This creates unique vulnerabilities that are being compounded by climate change, says ECSP’s Roger-Mark De Souza in an episode of Wilson Center NOW.
The Case for Better Aid to Pakistan: Climate, Health, Demographic Challenges Demand New Approach
›March 2, 2015 // By Kate DiamondIn 2009, the U.S. Congress passed a five-year, $7.5 billion aid package for a country it had all but abandoned just 10 years earlier. Indeed, if one word can summarize the U.S. relationship with Pakistan, “volatile” might be it. Since the September 11 attacks, the U.S. has appropriated nearly $61 billion in aid to Pakistan – more than twice what it received since independence in 1947.
In Critical Year for Climate Change, Lack of Urgency is Worrying, Says Nick Mabey
›“After Ukraine, ISIS, terrorism…there are a lot of distractions in 2015,” says Nick Mabey, founder and chief executive of the environmental NGO E3G, in this week’s podcast. “Short term issues are important, but they’re not everything.”
Simulating Transboundary Water Conflict in South Asia, and the Effect of Drought on Civil Conflict in Africa
›Natural resource management is a trust issue. There’s no better illustration of this than a scenario exercise. A new CNA Corporation report, Bone Dry and Flooding, details a simulation they ran for transboundary water management in the Indian sub-continent. Players of the game – nationals of China, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh who had all previously worked in politics, policy, or development – were given a hypothetical five-year time span to manage shared water resources.
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