Petro-Aggression: When Oil Causes War
›One year ago, the United States government froze all property of the Central Bank of Iran and other Iranian financial institutions within the United States. The move was part of a broader effort to compel the Islamic Republic to give up its alleged nuclear weapons program. How is it working out?
Addressing Urban Environmental Health and Maternal Mortality in Developing Countries
›Although climate change is a global phenomenon, developing countries – especially urban centers – are the most vulnerable to the negative health impacts of climate change. In “Urban Governance of Climate Change and Health,” a working paper for the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, author Siri Bjerkreim Hellevik reviews the existing literature on governments’ responses to climate change and health in developing urban centers. Overall, Hellevik concludes that there is a substantial need for more research specifically linking the two. She offers several recommendations for urban policymakers to consider, including developing an integrated and multi-level approach, and recognizing that human health and urban development are issues of global justice.
Josh Wood, The New York Times
Assad Regime, Rebels, and Kurds Vie for Control of Syria’s Oil
›April 23, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Josh Wood, appeared on The New York Times.
Once highly dependent on revenue from petroleum sales, the Syrian government has lost control of many of the country’s major oil fields over the past few months as Kurdish forces and the rebel Free Syrian Army have made significant gains in the east.
For Earth Day, A Commitment and An Invitation
›April 22, 2013 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaIt’s spring, it’s Earth Day, and I’m starting a new job. I always enjoy the sense of renewal that spring brings, and this spring brings a unique opportunity for me to reaffirm my commitment to the issues that define our times. As the Wilson Center’s new Director of Population, Environmental Change, and Security, I am excited to build on the success of the Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Global Health Initiative to forge new paths and identify ways that reproductive health, environmental conservation, and women’s empowerment affect our lives today and in the future.
Eliya Zulu on the Integration Imperative in African Development
›“[Family planning] has great value for women’s health, for children’s health, but it also has great value for the environment, and it can also help…to promote economic development,” says Eliya Zulu in this week’s podcast. Zulu talks about the research he has conducted as executive director of the African Institute for Development Policy and emphasizes the need to pay attention to population and climate issues both at higher levels of development policy discussion and grassroots action. “We need to make sure we integrate at all levels,” he says.
Wilson Center Premieres ‘Healthy People, Healthy Environment’ and ‘Transcending Boundaries’ at Environmental Film Festival
›Environmental security and international development aren’t typical movie-going fare, but at the 2013 DC Environmental Film Festival, ECSP premiered two short documentaries with unique environmental stories: Healthy People, Healthy Environment: Integrated Development in Tanzania shows how improving health services and environmental conservation can empower coastal communities in Africa; and Transcending Boundaries: Perspectives from the Central Albertine Rift Transfrontier Protected Area Network explores the opportunities for “peace parks” along the shared borders of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Cat Lazaroff, Resource Media
Infographic: Women, Reproductive Health at the Center of a Sustainable Future
›The original version of this article, by Cat Lazaroff, appeared on Resource Media.
What does family planning have to do with Earth Day? More than you might think. Family planning gives women and families the tools they need to decide whether and when to have children – and that, quite literally, can mean the world.
Nora Hawkins and Laura Johnson, State of the Planet
New Report on Effects of Environmental Indicators and Indices on Policymaking
›April 15, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Nora Hawkins and Laura Johnson, appeared on State of the Planet.
As creators of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), we are often asked if the EPI has measurable impacts on environmental decision-making. The short answer is yes; from promoting re-evaluation of air pollution policy in South Korea to inspiring the creation of seafood sustainability indicators in North America, the EPI has tangible influences on environmental actions throughout the world.
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