Geoff Dabelko on Avoiding Conflict From Climate Adaptation
›Although major global action remains stymied in many respects, policymakers around the world are increasingly at least recognizing the need to increase resilience to the effects of climate change. But are the consequences from hastily implemented initiatives being adequately considered? Perhaps not.
Dennis Taenzler, ECC Platform
What’s Next in European Climate Diplomacy?
›September 5, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article appeared on the Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation (ECC) Platform.
At the end of June, the European Union Foreign Affairs Council adopted a set of conclusions on EU climate diplomacy that left us with mixed feelings. Acknowledging and recalling that climate change is of paramount importance is commonplace – too often quoted and very seldom followed by decisive action. Explicit reference to the positive results of the Durban and Doha climate conferences is even a reason to get nervous. Many negotiators and observers will doubt a similarly enthusiastic framing for the most recent results.
Harvesting Peace: Food Security, Conflict, and Cooperation
›Since 2008 – a year in which rapid increases in the global prices for major grains helped to trigger outbreaks of civil unrest in more than 40 countries – scholars and policymakers have paid increased attention to the potential influence of global food prices on social and political instability. Since that time, spiking prices have periodically sparked public protests and governments have struggled to respond.
DOD’s Daniel Chiu: Climate, Energy Concerns Emblematic of Future Security Challenges
›Factoring in the costs of fuel in operations, both in terms of the monetary and battlefield effect, is a relatively new development for the U.S. military. “Our view was, when we were at war, we would bear those costs,” says U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy Daniel Chiu in this week’s podcast. “However, as we have started to appreciate the nature of the kinds of military challenges we face, we’ve realized this is not a sustainable approach.”
Coastal Resource Management, Family Planning Integration Build Resilience in Madagascar and The Gambia
›Growing awareness of the connected challenges of natural resource management, economic growth, and human health has encouraged more integrated models of international development. The experience of two organizations – TRY Oyster Women’s Association, based in The Gambia, and Blue Ventures, based in Madagascar – demonstrates the success of a community-based approach to building resilience, enabling communities to bounce back from adversity and establish a long-term basis for development. [Video Below]
Codi Yeager-Kozacek, Circle of Blue
Water a Key Issue As Developing Countries Drive Growth in Global Food Production
›August 22, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Codi Yeager-Kozacek, appeared on Circle of Blue.
Developing countries will account for much of the world’s growth in agricultural production, demand, and trade during the next decade, as production growth in developed countries slows, according to reports from leading food policy organizations. The shift will pose challenges for the quality and abundance of water supplies in regions like South America, Asia, and Africa.
Flooding and Food Security in Trinidad and Tobago: Roger-Mark Interviewed for ‘A Sea Change’
›August 21, 2013 // By Schuyler Null“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges that we are facing in today’s world; it is particularly important for us in the Caribbean and for a country like Trinidad and Tobago,” says ECSP Director and Trinidad-native Roger-Mark De Souza in an upcoming documentary by Sustain T&T, a non-profit based in the islands.
Flooding in Uttarakhand Shows Why India Needs to Take Environmental Security More Seriously
›The disastrous flooding in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand this summer, which claimed more than 6,000 lives, was the outcome of a changing climate and poorly planned development. It was also another case in point of the increasing importance of environmental security in India – especially for the military.
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