A Quick Video Tour of How We Got to 7 Billion and Where We’re Going Next
›Hans Rosling has always been an innovator when it comes to bringing big ideas to big audiences. The Norwegian doctor, statistician, and co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation has become known – to the kind of people who watch TED Talks anyway – for lively presentations aimed at demystifying common ideas about global development and demography. On Gapminder.org, he literally stands chest-high in water appealing for your donation to help him “cross the river of myths.”
Sherri Goodman on the Need for U.S. Leadership on Ocean Research
›“I firmly believe that U.S. global leadership depends on our ocean leadership,” says Sherri Goodman in this week’s podcast.
World Economic Forum Evaluates Global Risks, Comes to Some Odd Conclusions
›With intense drought in Sao Paulo and California, devastating floods in Malawi, and escalating water-energy confrontations in many developing countries, it is no wonder water is making headlines. It’s also gained the attention of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which lists water crises as the world’s number one risk in its recently released Global Risk Assessment.
Eduard Niesten, Conservation International
Conservation Agreements Reduce People-Park Conflict in Liberia
›March 6, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffWhen I began working in Liberia right after the Accra settlement ended Liberia’s civil war in 2003, I could not help worrying about whether the peace would last. Burnt-out cars lined the streets of Monrovia, bullet holes scarred many of its buildings and the wary U.N. peacekeepers manning checkpoints behind sandbags and barbed wire reinforced the sense that violence could flare up again at any time.
Efforts to Build Resilience in Sahel Focus on Food, Climate, Population Dynamics
›The Sahel – spreading from the Red Sea to the Atlantic as the Sahara Desert transitions to Sudanian savanna – is drought prone and suffers from chronic food insecurity. Yet, the region also boasts the highest fertility rates in the world, and the highest rates of marriage for young girls. This creates unique vulnerabilities that are being compounded by climate change, says ECSP’s Roger-Mark De Souza in an episode of Wilson Center NOW.
Fiona Harvey, Ensia
Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About the UN Climate Talks But Were Afraid to Ask
›March 5, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffClimate change negotiations seem to crawl along interminably at the pace of the glaciers they are meant to protect, with little perceptible progress as meeting follows meeting and conference follows lackluster conference. But this year we are seeing remarkable momentum building toward a historic conference in Paris in the closing days of 2015, by the end of which we will either have a new international agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, or we will have seen the last of truly global efforts to strike a deal on saving our planet.
Sam Eaton, PRI’s The World
Severe Weather and Deforestation Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Malawi
›March 4, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffYou could say the people living along the banks of the Thondwe River in southern Malawi were lucky. At least they’d been warned of the flash flood in early January that would burst through an earthen dike, wash away their homes and crops, and leave more than 4,000 of them homeless.
India’s Growing Water Risks, Illustrated
›Guest Contributor // March 3, 2015 // By Tien Shiao, Andrew Maddocks, Christopher Carson & Emma LoizeauxIndia is one of the most water-challenged countries in the world, from its deepest aquifers to its largest rivers. Groundwater levels are falling as farmers, new urban residents, and industries drain wells and aquifers. What water is available is often severely polluted, and the future may only be worse, with the national supply predicted to fall 50 percent below demand by 2030.
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