The “Gender-Equity Dividend,” and the Education Effect on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
›By comparing “first wave” developing countries, like Sweden and the United States, to “second wave” developers, like South Korea and Japan, Thomas Anderson and Hans-Peter Kohler of the University of Pennsylvania seek to explain why countries that underwent socioeconomic development in the first half of the 20th century have slightly higher fertility levels than those that developed later. Despite “both sets of countries attaining high income and generally low fertility, contemporary gender norms and levels of gender equity differ between them,” write Anderson and Kohler in a new study in Population and Development Review.
A Little Bit of Sugar Helps the Pill Go Down: Resilience, Peace, and Family Planning
›October 26, 2015 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaA recent article by Malcolm Potts, Aafreen Mahmood, and Alisha Graves of the University of California Berkeley’s OASIS Initiative notes that family planning has an important role to play in building peace by increasing women’s empowerment and their agency. “The pill is mightier than the sword,” as they put it.
Rachel Stern, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Despite Rising Concern, Climate Change Often Put on Back Burner in Conflict Zones
›October 23, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffBarren barley and wheat fields stretch across the dry landscape of northern Afghanistan, the result of persistent drought and flash flooding that has left thousands of people facing food shortages and loss of work.
In India, Lower Castes and Tribals Being Left Behind in Maternal Health
›Maternal mortality causes 56,000 deaths every year in India, accounting for 20 percent of maternal deaths around the world. Women who are born into the lower castes or are tribals – India’s indigenous groups – are especially likely to lack access to quality health care. Over 40 percent of these women also belong to the lowest wealth quintile.
Iatrogenic Fistula on the Rise as More Women Gain Access to Surgery
›Obstetric fistula is a devastating childbirth injury caused by prolonged obstructed labor. It can lead to incontinence and infection, social stigmatization as others recoil in horror, and even mental illness. Between 50,000 to 100,000 women each year are affected by it – and it’s entirely preventable with proper medical attention.
Better Training and Support for Midwives Is Saving Women’s Lives
›The feats that pregnant women perform under some of the most rudimentary conditions are sometimes unimaginable.
Soy What? How China’s Growing Appetite is Transforming the Port of Oakland
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Lisa Palmer, The Guardian
India’s Climate Tech Revolution Is Starting in its Villages
›October 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffCamels pulling wooden carts loaded with coconuts plod down the main road amid speeding motorcycles, buses, rickshaws, and cars. Farmers sit atop slow-moving oxcarts loaded with grasses and other cattle feed. In this region of central Gujarat, India, it appears that rural life has not changed for decades.
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