Rethinking Business As Usual: Leveraging the Private Sector to Strengthen Maternal Health
›In 2013, nearly 300,000 women died during pregnancy and childbirth. The majority of those deaths were in developing countries and entirely preventable. 500 dollar loan. Much of the effort towards reducing this number has been focused on what governments should do differently, but the private sector plays just as important a role as the public sector, said a panel of experts at the Wilson Center on September 17. [Video Below] -
The ECC Factbook Illustrates How the Environment Can Contribute to Peace and Conflict
›In his speech on climate change and national security on November 10, Secretary of State John Kerry said climate change is already a “threat multiplier,” and that worse is to be expected if climate change continues unchecked. But the relationship between the environment and violent conflict is complex and often indirect. Researchers have been wrangling for years over the role that global environmental change plays in fueling conflict and state fragility.
Will China’s New Air Law Solve its Pollution Crisis?
›The recent news that China has been underreporting its already globe-leading coal consumption by nearly 20 percent for the last decade underscores the scale of its air pollution crisis.
Will a Welcome Peace Derail Colombia’s Sustainable Development Plans?
›When Colombia is in the news, it’s not necessarily for the reasons we Colombians would like. We have lived through 50 years of violent conflict. Peace is a very abstract idea to most of us. Despite this we are still some of the happiest people on Earth.
In Shenzhen, Tracking the Early Steps of China’s Carbon Pivot
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A River Runs Again: Reporting on India’s Natural Crisis
›The world’s second most populous country – projected to be first by 2022 – is developing faster than ever before, roiling the social, political, and environmental landscape. [Video Below]
Shiloh Fetzek, A New Climate for Peace
Geothermal Expansion in Kenya Prompts Land Conflict With Maasai
›November 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe booming geothermal industry in Kenya illustrates how rapid transitions to renewable energy systems can risk generating conflicts if they are not done with sensitivity to the impact of transition on marginalized populations and to local ethnic and political dynamics.
Kerry Announces New Task Force to Integrate Climate Change and Security Issues Into U.S. Foreign Policy
›November 13, 2015 // By Lauren Herzer RisiIn a commanding speech at Old Dominion University this week, Secretary Kerry announced a dramatic step toward integrating climate and security into U.S. foreign policy. In Norfolk, Virginia, home to the world’s largest naval station, Kerry said the State Department is creating a new “task force of senior government officials to determine how best to integrate climate and security analysis into overall foreign policy planning and priorities.”
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