New Markets Meet Old Grievances: The Fight Over Biofuels in Kenya’s Tana River Delta
›Stepping away from herds of cattle, subsistence farms, and other responsibilities at home, roughly a hundred Kenyan villagers traveled overnight by bus from the Tana River Delta to Nairobi in February 2011 for a hearing at the national high court. The claimants declared that the lack of a “comprehensive land use master plan” infringed on the rights of the region’s people, and called for the prohibition of further land and resource development until such a plan was negotiated.
Are We Keeping up With Asia’s Urbanization?
›There is widespread agreement, and untold publications, that argue urbanization is the defining issue of our time. There are more cities, both large and small, and more people living in those cities than anytime in human history.
UN Report Highlights Women’s Roles in Natural Resource Management During and After Conflict
›It’s been 14 years since the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 acknowledging women as important agents of change in recovery from conflict and peacebuilding generally. But between 1992 and 2011, only four percent of signatories in 31 major peace processes around the world were women, and only 12 out of 585 peace agreements referred to or made provisions for women’s needs in the reconstruction process.
What Climate Conflict Looks Like: Recent Findings and Possible Responses
›Climate change and conflict – what’s the relationship? In a recently completed set of field-based studies for USAID, the Foundation for Environmental Security and Sustainability set aside “yes-or-no” questions about whether climate change causes conflict and replaced them with pragmatic and politically informed questions about how climate change is consequential for conflict in specific fragile states.
Lisa Palmer, Future Food 2050
Greener Pastures for Cattle Ranching
›November 26, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffImagine an overgrown perennial garden. Impenetrable, shrubby bushes knit themselves together in long rows. Grasses reach chest high. Native hardwood trees hog the perimeter.
Necessary Partners: The Sahel Shows Why Development and Resilience Efforts Can’t Forget Men
›One-third of boys in the developing world don’t face the risk of marriage and pregnancy before age 18. There are no laws preventing men from owning land or property. Men don’t bear the brunt of increasingly frequent and severe disasters. And men don’t hold fewer than 25 percent of parliamentary seats worldwide.
Exhausting the Planet: Jonathan Foley on Balancing Food Security With Environmental Sustainability
›“We’re living in a time of unprecedented change,” says Jonathan Foley, executive director of the California Academy of Sciences.
High Poverty: Medicinal Plants Offer Way Forward for Nepal’s Mountain Communities
›In a tiny village called Chepuwa in the Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal, high in the Himalayas and almost four days’ trek from the nearest road, Mikmar Bhote has been growing and selling medicinal and aromatic plants for five years.
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