New Global Health & Gender Policy Brief: The Global Burden of Stillbirths
›In 2021, 1.9 million stillbirths occurred globally. A baby who dies at or after 28 weeks of pregnancy,* and is born with no sign of life is classified as a stillbirth. Stillbirths can be caused by pregnancy and childbirth-related complications, like hemorrhage, placental abruption, and pre-eclampsia; maternal infections during pregnancy, including malaria and sexually transmitted infections; prolonged pregnancy to 42 weeks or more; and pre-existing health conditions. Other risk factors include maternal age and smoking during pregnancy.
Rethinking Population, Climate, and Health: Focusing on Solutions
›News about global climate impacts that elevate mortality, wreak weather havoc, and create massive displacement is inescapable. And those are just the stories that make the headlines. Droughts in Africa are estimated to impact 250 million people and displace 700 million more by 2030. Climate impacts brought on by El Niño are devastating the food supply chain, exacerbating Guatemala’s struggle to reduce childhood malnutrition.
Midwives Lead the Way: The 5th Global Midwifery Symposium
›Midwives play a central role in maternal and newborn health. So, it is fitting that their efforts took the spotlight at a two-day event – The 5th Global Midwifery Symposium – held during the first ever International Maternal and Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) in May 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Delivering Dignity: The Importance of Respectful Maternity Care
›Women who are treated with respect and dignity during childbirth are more likely to have positive birth experiences, feel empowered to make informed decisions about their care, and have better health outcomes for themselves and their newborns.
Me Care, We Care: How Self-Care Strengthens Maternal and Newborn Health
›A recent report on global maternal mortality by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals a hard truth: the world has been ignoring the needs of pregnant women. While there have been substantial reductions in maternal death rates since 2000, progress has stalled or been reversed in some countries after 2015, even before COVID-19 exacerbated the situation. Nations affected by humanitarian emergencies, conflicts, and other crises fared the worst.
Why We Must Include Pregnant People in Clinical Trials: The Case of the COVID-19 Vaccine
›Of the more than 4 million pregnant people in the United States annually, 90 percent report taking at least one medicine during pregnancy, and about 50 percent receive the influenza or tetanus toxoid/reduced diphtheria toxoid/acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccines. Yet 69 percent of clinical trials conducted in the United States explicitly exclude enrollment of pregnant people.
8 Billion and Counting: Rethinking Rhetoric on Population and Choice
›The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2023 State of the World Population (SWOP) Report offers a chance to reflect on what’s at stake in debates over global population. “The question is not whether the human population is too large or too small. The question is whether everyone can exercise their fundamental human right to choose the number and spacing of their children,” said Sarah Craven, Chief of the Washington Office of UNFPA at the virtual D.C. launch of the report at the Wilson Center on April 26, 2023.
Gender Equality and Health Equity Through Foreign Policy: A Progress Report
›In this edition of Wilson Center NOW, Gender Equality and Health Equity Through Foreign Policy: A Progress Report, John Milewski, Moderator of the Wilson Center NOW series, interviews Valerie Percival, Wilson Center Fellow and Associate Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University and a Commissioner with the Lancet-SIGHT Commission on Peace, Justice, and Gender Equality for Healthy Societies. Percival and Milewski discuss the role of gender equality and health equity in achieving social and political progress, and the importance of these topics in conversations about foreign policy. Percival also explains her project at the Wilson Center, titled “Promoting Gender Equality and Health Equity through Foreign Policy: Panacea or Fool’s Game?”
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