Candido Pastor, Human Nature
From Machetes to Maps: How a “Red Line” Eased Conflict in Bolivia’s Amazon
›August 24, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffI remember the first time I made the four-day trek into the heart of Bolivia’s Carrasco National Park (CNP) 12 years ago like it was yesterday. I knew it would be a challenge to help communities agree on the boundaries of the protected area, given the high level of tension between indigenous communities, illegal migrant farmers, and park authorities over land rights, but I was unprepared for just how intense our first meeting would be.
UNEP Releases GEO-6 North American Region Report: A Good Grade, With Qualifications
›With so much focus on global environmental problems, many may wonder how their region is faring more specifically. This is the sentiment behind the United Nations Environment Program’s process for the latest iteration of its flagship assessment, the Global Environmental Outlook 6 (GEO-6). [Video Below]
A Matter of Perspective: Astronaut Susan Helms on Seeing Humanity’s Impact From Space
›Susan Helms is a former NASA astronaut and retired member of the United States Air Force. During her time in the military, Helms flew over 30 different types of aircraft and received four Legion of Merit awards and three Defense Superior Service medals. She also holds the record for longest space walk and spent over 5,000 hours in space. She retired in 2014 with the rank of lieutenant general and now serves on the Wilson Center Board of Trustees. What did she learn over the course of such a distinguished career, much of it spent miles above the ground?
Global Population and Reproductive Health (Book Preview)
›Population, reproductive health, and environmental sustainability are inextricably linked. Growing populations place increasing demands on the environment, while meeting the reproductive health needs of populations usually slows their growth. Often, however, policymakers, scholars, and journalists discuss these issues separately, as if unrelated.
Forest Guardians and Discount Clinics: Rethinking How to Save the Environment in Kalimantan
›In the southwestern part of Indonesian Borneo, known as Kalimantan, there’s a small town on the outskirts of an incredibly diverse forest where the community has turned from illegal logging to stewards of the land.
When Climate Change Exacerbates Conflict, Women Pay the Price, Says Mayesha Alam
›Climate change has the potential to exacerbate conflict and political instability, and women will pay a steeper price than their male counterparts when it does, says Mayesha Alam, associate director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security, in this week’s podcast.
Why Do Land Grabs Happen? Because They Can
›May 9, 2016 // By Michael KugelmanIn January, over the objections of indigenous groups that live there, the government of Ecuador sold oil exploration rights to 500,000 acres of the Amazon to a consortium of Chinese companies. Whenever we hear about stories like this, there is a tendency to think: How can this happen? How can obscenely rich investors run roughshod over the land, livelihoods, and rights of impoverished local communities, and with utterly no consequences?
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Human Nature
Murders of Environmental Activists Reflect Chronic Clashes Over Resource Use
›April 4, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffWhen I heard of the horrific murder of Berta Cáceres, a Honduran environmental activist who had spent years fighting to protect her community’s traditional lands, I was shocked – though perhaps I shouldn’t have been.
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