Interview With Michael Brown, UN Senior Mediation Expert in Natural Resources and Land Conflicts
›April 8, 2015 // By Linnea BennettNatural resources rarely feature during peacebuilding efforts, but there is growing evidence that’s a mistake. Unresolved natural resource management issues can make peace more fragile, while addressing them can act as a bridge toward cooperation.
Not Enough to Go Around? Tensions Over Land Threaten to Boil Over in Burundi
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Jack A. Goldstone, CNN
Yemen’s Collapse a Result of Systematic Failures, U.S. Neglect
›April 2, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffIt shouldn’t come as a surprise that Yemen has collapsed – again. A country that has split and been pulled together before, has the youngest and fastest growing population in the region, is running low on oil and water, and possesses a “personalist” government rather than stable institutions, was on the top of every expert’s list as the fragile state most likely to fail next.
Syria Conflict’s Connection to Climate Change, and Avoiding Maladaptation to “Hydro-Climate” Risks
›In a headline–making article in the journal PNAS, Colin P. Kelley et al. write there is evidence that the ongoing conflict in Syria, which has killed at least 200,000, was triggered by climate change. Severe drought from 2007 to 2010 caused a massive rural-to-urban demographic shift which exacerbated pre-existing sociopolitical tensions in Syrian cities already inundated with Iraqi refugees.
Heat and Hotheads: The Effect of Rising Temperatures on Urban Unrest
›When the first wave of protests erupted in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of Michael Brown in August 2014, it looked as if unrest might spread to other American cities, echoing the “long hot summers” of 50 years before.
Tom Staal on How Resilience Changes the Way USAID Works
›When it comes to international development, a resilience framework is key, says Tom Staal, acting assistant administrator of the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance at USAID, in this week’s podcast.
World Water Day: A Wellspring for Sustainable Development
›This year’s World Water Day is taking on a broader theme than years past: sustainable development. The theme makes sense as two major international processes – the drafting of the Sustainable Development Goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals, and the most anticipated UN Climate Summit in years – are taking place in 2015. Decisions made over the next nine months will play a huge role in relationships between nations and global development priorities going forward.
World Economic Forum Evaluates Global Risks, Comes to Some Odd Conclusions
›With intense drought in Sao Paulo and California, devastating floods in Malawi, and escalating water-energy confrontations in many developing countries, it is no wonder water is making headlines. It’s also gained the attention of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which lists water crises as the world’s number one risk in its recently released Global Risk Assessment.
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