Building Stability in the Middle East: Defining a Transatlantic Agenda for Climate Resilience
›Climate change can undermine stability in the Middle East and North Africa, where both the United States and Europe have critical foreign policy and security interests. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region “is impacted by climate and resource scarcity risks now, in the medium, and in the long term,” said Nick Mabey, director and chief executive of the environmental think tank E3G, during a recent Wilson Center event on building climate resilience in MENA countries. “It’s a region that is highly vulnerable to climate change,” said Mabey, and “also incredibly vulnerable to global systems.”
Thermometers of Change: Snow Leopard Diplomacy in Asia’s High Mountains
›“Change is everywhere where snow leopards live,” said World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Vice President Kate Newman at a recent Wilson Center event. “The life of the snow leopard is intimately intertwined with the lives of the people in these high mountains,” she said. If you care about water security and climate resilience in Asia, you should also care about the integrity of the snow leopard’s habitat, added Koustubh Sharma of the Snow Leopard Trust. These beautiful and enigmatic animals are “the thermometers of the health of these ecosystems.”
From the Pacific to the Atlantic, Protecting Coastal Communities From Climate Threats
›The frontlines of climate change are the world’s shorelines. “It goes without saying that people living in coastal communities are already observing impacts,” said Erin Derrington, a coastal resources specialist working in the Northern Mariana Islands, at a recent Wilson Center event, the third in a series on coastal resilience presented in collaboration with the Hoover Institute and the Stanford Woods Institute on the Environment. “Although that is a challenge, it is also an opportunity and a driver for change and innovation,” said Derrington.
Alice Hill: Invest in Resilience to Manage Future Risks to Economy, Security
›As our climate changes, “we are vulnerable to unacceptable risks of failures in functionality, durability, and safety,” said Alice C. Hill, former senior director for resiliency policy for the National Security Council, as she launched Resilience Week at the Wilson Center. During the week, members of the UN Resilience Academy joined representatives from the Wilson Center, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Hoover Institute for in-depth discussions on building global resilience in the face of environmental change. “Resilience is proving necessary to withstand the disruptions to our very interconnected systems,” she said.
Sustainable Water, Resilient Communities: The Challenge of Too Little Water
›From the Wilson Center // Water Security for a Resilient World // October 27, 2017 // By Gretchen JohnsonWater is a “strategic instrument in the creation of a safer, healthier, more nutritious, less aggressive world,” said Winrock International President and CEO Rodney Ferguson at the first event in a four-part series on water security organized by the Wilson Center and the Sustainable Water Partnership. Panelists at the event identified innovative and integrated efforts necessary to increase global water security in the face of growing water scarcity.
It Takes a Village: Communities Are Key to a Resilient Health System
›“Resilience means the ability to cope and move ahead,” said Joan Dalton, the gender lead at THINK Liberia during the second session in a series of conversations on resilience and health at the Wilson Center. As conflicts, epidemics, and natural disasters increasingly leave global health systems vulnerable to devastation, it is important to build resilient health systems through interventions that support community resilience, agreed global health experts at the panel event co-hosted by CARE and the Maternal Health Initiative.
Cities After Paris: The Role of Subnational Actors in Achieving International Goals
›As the climate changes, cities will suffer. “These are important places that have a lot of people, property, and local economies that are going to struggle,” said Jessica Grannis, the adaptation program manager at Georgetown’s Climate Center, at a recent Wilson Center event on the role of subnational decision-makers in achieving international goals. “The good news is that, here in the United States, many cities are recognizing these threats to their people and populations, and they’re beginning to take action,” said Grannis.
Reaching the Farthest Behind: Maternal Health Innovations at the Facility Level
›“Innovation happens when there are pioneers that stick with it,” said Monica Kerrigan, vice president of innovations at Jhpiego. “How can we—each one of us—be part of the change process?” Innovations will be essential to meeting Sustainable Development Goal #3, which is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to below 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. Experts from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Jhpiego, Jacaranda Health, and Total Impact Capital came together at the Wilson Center on September 14th to discuss how maternal health clinics and other facilities can be drivers of innovation.
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