Michael D. Lemonick, Climate Central
U.S. Federal Climate Assessment: Energy, Water, Land Intertwined and Threatened
›January 31, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Michael D. Lemonick, appeared on Climate Central.
Water resources, energy, and land use are so mutually dependent that climate-related disruptions to any one of them could lead to economically devastating ripple effects – especially as a growing population puts increasing strains on all three. That’s one conclusion of a recent report issued by a federal advisory committee charged with assessing how climate change has already affected the U.S., and what the future holds.
Kagondu Njagi, AlertNet
In Kenya, Water Stress Also Breeds Cooperation Between Competing Groups
›January 29, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Kagondu Njagi, appeared on Thomson Reuters’ AlertNet.
By the time the violence had died down, more than 80 people lay dead and hundreds were left homeless.
Yet there was scarcely enough water – the resource the Maasai and Kikuyu tribes were fighting over – to wash away the blood that had stained this part of Kenya’s Rift Valley.
Nadya Ivanova, Circle of Blue
Across Much of China, Huge Harvests Irrigated With Industrial and Agricultural Runoff
›The original version of this article, by Nadya Ivanova, appeared on Circle of Blue.
The horizon gleams with a golden hue from the wheat fields that spread in all directions here in Shandong, a prime food-growing province on the lower reaches of the Yellow River. As hundreds of farmers spread the wheat like massive carpets to dry on country roads, combine machines are busy harvesting the grain. The same afternoon that the wheat harvest is finished, farmers will already be planting corn and other crops. This is how China feeds 1.4 billion citizens and millions of livestock.
Jonathan Pincus, Foreign Policy
Indonesia: Stop Chopping, Start Learning
›January 24, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Jonathan Pincus, appeared on Foreign Policy.
The Indonesian economy, which for so long had been an also-ran in the Asian growth derby, is getting good press these days. There’s no mystery why. While much of the world is struggling in the aftermath of the global financial meltdown, Indonesia continues to post annual economic growth rates in excess of six percent. What’s more, public debt is now less than 25 percent of GDP – down from 96 percent in 1999. And it is still falling relative to GDP: The budget deficit is only about two percent of GDP, among the lowest in the region.
Rachel Yavinsky, Behind the Numbers
Energy-Saving Stoves and Family Planning Benefit Women and Families in Rural Uganda
›January 23, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Rachel Yavinsky, appeared on the Population Reference Bureau’s Behind the Numbers blog.
After 45 minutes on Lake Victoria in a wooden fishing boat, my PRB colleague and I arrived on Busi Island, one of the Ugandan sites of the HOPE-LVB (Health of People and the Environment – Lake Victoria Basin) project. PRB, who partners on this project, came to Busi Island to see HOPE-LVB in action.
Elisabeth Rosenthal, The New York Times
As Biofuel Demand Grows, So Do Guatemala’s Hunger Pangs
›January 8, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Elisabeth Rosenthal, appeared in The New York Times.
In the tiny tortillerias of this city, people complain ceaselessly about the high price of corn. Just three years ago, one quetzal – about 15 cents – bought eight tortillas; today it buys only four. And eggs have tripled in price because chickens eat corn feed.
Ruth Greenspan Bell, Bloomberg News
Global Warming Experts Should Think More About the Cold War
›January 2, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Ruth Greenspan Bell, appeared on Bloomberg News.
Every year the United Nations convenes diplomats from more than 190 nations to negotiate a climate change treaty, and in many years negotiators go home with little more than the promise of another annual meeting.
Autumn Spanne, The Daily Climate
Colombia’s Unexplored Cloud Forests Besieged by Climate Change, Development
›December 13, 2012 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Autumn Spanne, appeared on The Daily Climate.
Five hours by truck and mule from the nearest town, a rumbling generator cuts through the silent night to power large spotlights as botanists crouch and kneel on large blue tarps spread across a cow pasture. It’s nearly midnight, and the team works urgently to describe every detail of the dozens of colorful orchids, ferns, and other exotic plants they have collected that day in Las Orquídeas National Park, one of the single most biologically diverse places on the planet.
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