China and U.S. Aquaculture Open Doors to Invaders
›“Gui Jie” in Beijing, meaning Ghost Street, is dedicated to crayfish and is filled with towering bright red crayfish statues. While it might just seem like a show for tourists, the Chinese are responsible for 90 percent of the world’s crayfish consumption and crayfish is on menus throughout the country. Between 2006 and 2016, crayfish production more than tripled to 850,000 tons. Surprisingly, crayfish is not native to China but the Chinese began raising them when aquaculture began expanding in the 1980s.
What Next for U.S. Engagement on Cambodia’s Protected Forests?
›Cambodia’s lush Prey Lang rainforest is abundant with animals, insects and birds, including endangered species, and diverse types of forests. It also provides resin tapping and other sources of livelihood for some 250,000 people, many of whom are Indigenous Kuy, living within or adjacent to the forest.
The Top 5 Posts of July 2021
›Feeding all the fish grown in aquaculture remains a challenge in China, the U.S. and elsewhere. Aquaculture currently uses 75 percent of global fish oil supplies and researchers estimate that the demand for forage fish will exceed the ocean’s supply by 2037. In this month’s top post, Karen Mancl discusses the need for policy interventions to halt the overharvesting of oceans for fish feed and to ramp up the use of alternative fish feeds such as insects and algae.
Water and (in-)Security in Afghanistan as the Taliban Take Over
›The takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban not only threatens people’s lives, security, and fundamental freedom, but also significantly increases risks of water insecurity both immediately and in the long term. While our hearts and minds are with the people struggling for survival and freedom in Afghanistan today, we should not forget that the implications of Taliban rule will add yet another challenge to the long-term future of the Afghan people, and possibly also to the entire region’s stability.
Don’t Bury Me in Trash — From Recycle to Reduce in West Papua: Q&A with Misool Foundation’s Virly Yuriken
›With white sandy beaches, cerulean waters, and lush jungles, Indonesia’s Raja Ampat Islands are some of the world’s most beautiful islands—and currently under threat from a growing plastic waste crisis. Covering 40,000 square kilometers of land and sea off the northwest tip of West Papua, Raja Ampat lies at the intersection of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean tides in a biodiversity hotspot known as the Coral Triangle.
Misconceptions on Miscarriage – The Dangers of Cultural Silence
›In the United States, approximately 10 to 15 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But this doesn’t capture the full picture. In reality, studies show that as many as half of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage, with the vast majority occurring before people realize they are pregnant. A miscarriage is defined as pregnancy loss before 20 weeks gestation. While some health conditions such as autoimmune disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and diabetes can exacerbate the risk of having a miscarriage, the exact causes of pregnancy loss are largely unknown.
Predicting the Rise and Demise of Liberal Democracy: How Well Did We Do?
›In 2007, at the (U.S.) National Intelligence Council, a colleague and I set out to determine if we could forecast two distinct political phenomena, the rise and the demise of high levels of democracy. To guide our decade-long forecasts, we relied on a simple statistical model and a spreadsheet of demographic projections from the UN’s 2006 World Population Prospects data set. Now that the experimental period (from 2010 to 2020) has ended, we can look back and ask: How well did these forecasts perform?
To Build or Not to Build: Western Route of China’s South-North Water Diversion Project
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // August 12, 2021 // By Hongzhou Zhang & Genevieve Donnellon-MayOne of the biggest challenges facing China’s future development is water, which must support the country’s 1.4 billion people and booming industries. Despite being one of the top five countries with the largest freshwater resources, on a per capita basis, China faces serious water shortages which are further compounded by a highly uneven spatial distribution and precipitation: the densely populated north suffers from acute water shortages whereas the south is prone to severe floods. To optimize the allocation of water resources, China has embarked on the construction of a mega engineering project, the South North Water Diversion project (SNWD).