Women’s Work is Essential and Undervalued During the COVID-19 Pandemic
›“Nearly 70 percent of the lowest wage workers in the United States are women,” said Nicole Berner, General Counsel to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) at a recent event on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on women and essential workers, hosted by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.
Today’s Top Global Scenarios Share Similarities and Noteworthy Differences, Including Beijing’s Role
›Guest Contributor // November 9, 2021 // By Steven Gale, Ana Fernandes, Krystel Montpetit & Alanna MarkleThis past March, the U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC) offered five scenarios for global development in 2040. Two months later, the OECD released three scenarios for the future of global cooperation in 2035. Curious development professionals and others who like to peer into the future are no doubt asking: How does each organization see the future? Are the scenarios similar, different, closely aligned or wildly divergent?
Integrating Environmental Protection and Conflict Prevention: Risk, Resilience, and Community Solutions
›“The world’s least resilient countries—when faced with ecological stress—are more likely to face civil unrest, political instability, social fragmentation, and economic collapse,” said Cynthia Brady, ECSP Global Fellow and Senior Advisor, at an event hosted by the Alliance for Peacebuilding. These “vulnerabilities are clearly mutually reinforcing, but some of the solutions are mutually reinforcing too,” said Brady. The critical challenge now is to bridge the gap between traditionally siloed communities of practice in conflict prevention and conservation.
New Wilson Quarterly Features Expert Insights on Climate Migration
›“Supporting the talents and potential of the refugees of today could lead to empowering the scientists, leaders, and innovators of the future. Instead of a lost generation, we have the opportunity to build a thriving generation full of promise,” says Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the forward of the Fall Wilson Quarterly (WQ), “Humanity in Motion: Scenes from the Global Displacement Crisis.”
Hitting the Brakes on Plastics in China’s Food Delivery Industry: Q&A with Zheng Xue and Sherry Lu of Plastic Free China
›China Environment Forum // Q&A // November 4, 2021 // By Solange Reppas, Mingwei Zhu, Tongxin Zhu & McKenna PotterIn every Chinese city, there is an army of motorcycles and mopeds weaving through the traffic jams, and sometimes even venturing on sidewalks, to deliver millions of food and e-commerce orders each day. Meituan, one of China’s most popular food delivery apps, delivers 30 million orders a day, serving up 100 million plastic containers. According to Greenpeace, e-commerce and express delivery in China generated 9.4 million tons of packaging waste in 2018 and will likely triple to 41.3 million tons by 2025. -
Suicide and Overdose: The Leading Causes of Death for New Mothers
›A new movie — A Mouthful of Air – was released in 800 theaters around the country on Friday, October 29. SPOILER ALERT: The storyline is about maternal depression and suicide.
This is an excellent example of art meeting life.
Mental health conditions – primarily anxiety and depression – are the most common complications of pregnancy and childbirth, affecting 1 in 5 pregnant or postpartum parents. Tragically, suicide and overdose are the leading causes of death for women in the first year following pregnancy.
Can COP26 Meet the Climate and Conflict Challenge?
›Global climate action must be sensitive to ‘land grabs’ and lost livelihoods for both a safer and greener world to be built in Glasgow.
With all eyes on COP26, the world is holding its breath. This year’s negotiations will need to see truly ambitious commitments to ramp up climate action in order to avoid a dangerous future. There has never been a greater sense of the urgency in the climate movement.
As a peacebuilder, I’m looking closely at what the implications of the much-needed pledges might be for the 1.5 billion people living in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. The discussion on the impact of climate change on security and social stability is gaining momentum but is still effectively on the fringes of the COP26 agenda. That is a concern.
‘Women’s Bodies are No One’s Battlefields’: Preventing War and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
›“Since time immemorial, rape has been used to control women’s sexuality, labor, and reproduction, to shred the social fabric, to conquer territories and populations, and crush the enemy’s moral and will to resist,” said Under Secretary General Pramila Patten, UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, at an event focused on addressing conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) organized by The Secretary’s Office for Global Women’s Issues, Search for Common Ground, and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security. In the past two decades, legislative reform, sanctions against perpetrators, and systematic reporting have slowly transformed the climate of impunity surrounding CRSV, said Patten.