The Gasses That Will Make or Break Climate Change Mitigation
›New worldwide attention on methane has increased the potential for countries to implement methane policy in the energy sector. In November 2021, the countries gathered at COP 26 in Glasgow launched the Global Methane Pledge, an agreement that aims to reduce methane emissions at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030. If the 111 participating countries are successful, this endeavor could curb over 8 gigatons of carbon equivalent emissions and prevent more than 0.2 degrees Celsius in warming by 2050.
COP 27 in Sharm: Few Opportunities and More Challenges for MENA Environmentalists
›In November, the world’s marquee climate conference will come to one of its fastest warming regions. Over roughly two weeks, global leaders, businesspeople, and, in theory, civil society organizations, will negotiate and schmooze along the shores of the Red Sea at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. After a rather mixed outcome of last year’s COP 26 in Glasgow – and even more chilling IPCC report releases since then, global environmentalists are counting on this year’s COP 27 to produce the kinds of game-changing, emissions-cutting measures that climate risks so desperately demand.
Break the Bias: Breaking Barriers to Women’s Global Health Leadership
›We need to ensure that diversity is shaping and influencing global health decision-making and this is what we mean when we call for gender transformative leaders, said Dr. Roopa Dhatt, Executive Director of Women in Global Health, at an International Women’s Day event hosted by Women in Global Health to launch the first-ever book on women’s leadership in global health. “We’re calling for diverse leadership with intersectionality looking at transforming power and really making sure we’re going to the root drivers of inequities and driving systems change,” said Dr. Dhatt. Some 28 authors and 11 interviewees from 17 countries across 6 regions came together to write this rallying call to redress gender inequity in health leadership. Women and Global Health Leadership: Power and Transformation explores barriers and facilitators to women’s global health leadership; showcases the personal, professional, and political journeys of women leaders across global health sectors including government, academia, and civil society; and offers pragmatic solutions to increasing women’s representation at all levels of leadership, said Dr. Rosemary Morgan, Associate Scientist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
World’s Nations Commit to Ending Plastic Waste
›The United Nations has laid the foundation for negotiations to begin on the world’s first legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution. At the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi earlier this month, the parameters were set for a future treaty, including hard-won provisions to address the full life cycle of plastics and tackle waste in all environments, not just the ocean.
Environmental Change, Migration, and Peace in the Northern Triangle
›“There is a growing recognition that climate change is going to affect security and it’s increasingly shaping peoples’ decisions about where to move, where to live, and how to plan their futures, but how migration, climate, and insecurity connect and drive risks is not always as clear cut as the headlines would have us believe,” said Cynthia Brady, Global Fellow and Senior Advisor with the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, at last month’s International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding. The roundtable discussion, “Environmental Change, Migration, and Peace in Central America’s Northern Triangle” drew on the Wilson Center’s framework to improve predictive capabilities for security risks posed by a changing climate, developed in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Applying the framework to the Northern Triangle—Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador—panelists discussed complex challenges and proactive approaches for building climate resilience and adaptive capacity.
Taking Stock of Environmental Peacemaking at 20
›“Environmental peacemaking is inherently an optimistic kind of thing,” said Larry Swatuk, Professor at the University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, during a breakout session of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding. Yet “alternative dispute resolution, making nice, building trust—I just see those spaces closing off,” said Swatuk. “Where resources are concerned and sovereignty is an issue there is a lot of hardball going on that we ignore at our peril. I think we need to reconfigure the peacemaking approach in light of the unwillingness of states to depart from classic statecraft.”
The Dirt on Agricultural Plastic Pollution of the Soil in the U.S. and China
›Farmers in the United States and China who grow strawberries, melons, and other fruits and vegetables often face the same arduous challenge—after harvesting they must gather up and dispose of the plastic mulch used to increase production. After months in the hot sun, the plastic sheeting starts to shred and break apart, leaving fragments behind in the soil.
Raising Momentum for Integrating Respectful Maternity Care in Humanitarian Settings
›Greater than one third of all women experience mistreatment during facility-based childbirth. Mistreatment, particularly in humanitarian settings, may include verbal or physical abuse, poor patient-provider rapport, a lack of information about maternal and newborn health (MNH) services for both pregnant women and providers, lack of privacy within facilities, challenges with receiving informed consent from women for medical procedures due to language and cultural barriers, and denied or delayed care. Such mistreatment can stem from historical tensions between populations seeking care and health workers (both foreign and local) as well as systemic mistreatment of providers who are burned out and possibly carry their own biases. Evidence shows that some women delay seeking care, or avoid care entirely because of social fears stemming from negative stigma or negative perceptions of their situation.