The Best or Worst of Both Worlds? Nuclear Power’s Contested Role in Europe’s Energy Transition
›Growing up in Austria in the 1990s, one of the underlying lessons I learned in middle school was that nuclear power is humanity’s downfall. Though never explicitly described that way in the curriculum, from a young age my peers and I knew to associate the black-and-yellow trefoil symbol with apocalyptic environmental destruction. Reflecting on my upbringing helps me understand why so many in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Greece, and Italy argue that nuclear power should be our last resort as an energy resource. How could we allow the development and use of such dangerous technologies in our own lives? How could we just move on and accept that a nuclear accident could kill all of us at any moment?
Water Mafia and Governance in Karachi
›Water provision is “more lucrative than drugs,” said one of the interviewees in our research in Karachi, Pakistan. Competition for control of the city’s water includes water mafias and formal institutions. As water becomes increasingly scarce due to ongoing climate changes in the Indus Basin, it is already a source of intense economic and political competition. If not addressed in time, water scarcity may deepen fault lines in this highly fractured, multi-ethnic, populous city.
Sharon Guynup, Mongabay
Preventing the Next Pandemic is Vastly Cheaper Than Reacting to It: Study
›As the novel COVID-19 coronavirus swept the planet in early 2020, researchers scrambled to find effective treatments and vaccines. Within a year, there was a clarion call from heads of state, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies to create an international “pandemic preparedness and response” treaty. WHO noted that COVID-19 offered “a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe” from zoonotic disease outbreaks.
COVID-19 Costs: Declining Maternal and Child Nutrition in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
›“The pandemic and related global economic recession are severe setbacks to already insufficient progress towards meeting the global nutrition targets set for 2025 for stunting, wasting, maternal anemia and breastfeeding,” write the authors of a 2021 study examining the effects of COVID-19 on child and maternal health and nutrition. Adequate nutrition in the perinatal period is essential for healthy mothers and babies, and COVID-19-induced poverty and disruptions to global supply chains have compromised the food security of people around the world, mostly in low-to-middle-income countries (LMICs).
Youthful Demographic Conditions Could Push the Sahel to an “Afghanistan Moment”
›Africa in Transition // Guest Contributor // February 8, 2022 // By Richard Cincotta & Stephen SmithThe countries of the Western Sahel find themselves in the tightening grip of a set of mutually reinforcing crises. These include deepening seasonal food insecurity and surges of food-aid dependency, widening income inequalities, widespread childhood stunting, low levels of education attainment and pervasive unemployment, as well as acute political instability and a rapidly growing Islamist-led insurgency that has already displaced some 2.5 million people across the region. In our recent report, What Future for the Western Sahel? The Region’s Demography and Its Implications by 2045, (published by the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security), we argue that, unless the Sahelian states focus on reversing the underlying conditions that sustain high fertility—the cause of a persistently youthful and rapidly growing population—they will likely not be able to resolve these crises in the foreseeable future.
More EU in the Arctic and More Arctic in the EU?
›Guest Contributor // Navigating the Poles // February 7, 2022 // By Romain Chuffart & Andreas RaspotnikThe Arctic is ground zero for climate change. Warming in the region is occurring at three times the rate of the global average and September Arctic sea-ice is now declining at a rate of 13 percent per decade. However, the reverse is also true. The complex changes taking place in the Arctic are having profound effects on the rest of the world, and major economies are taking note.
Reducing the Environmental and Social Costs of Chinese Investments in Pakistan
›Pakistan is just one of 142 countries that has signed on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), but is arguably the flagship partner among the group. BRI is an infrastructure investment project and aims to bring between $1 to $8 trillion dollars in development initiatives to global railways, highways, power plants, hydropower dams, and ports under the BRI umbrella. However, since the two governments formalized the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a framework of infrastructure connectivity, there have been strong concerns from the Pakistani public about the social and environmental costs of Chinese investment.
Integrating Leadership Skills in Cervical Cancer Prevention Efforts
›With a high burden of cervical cancer in Tanzania, we are advocating for the government’s parliament to prioritize cervical cancer prevention in its annual budget, said Dr. Safina Yuma, a Reproductive Cancer Coordinator at the Ministry of Health, Tanzania, at a recent event hosted by TogetHER for Health on cervical cancer leadership in recognition of cervical cancer awareness month. At least 270,000 women die globally from cervical cancer each year and in Tanzania, it is a leading cause of death, taking the lives of approximately 4,200 women annually. However, cervical cancer is 90 percent preventable with appropriate prevention strategies such as human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations and screenings. Expert leaders from NJIA, a leadership development program for practitioners working in cervical cancer research and prevention, discussed strategies for improving collaboration and leadership within the medical profession to reduce avoidable deaths.