Reaching the Farthest Behind: Maternal Health Innovations at the Facility Level
›“Innovation happens when there are pioneers that stick with it,” said Monica Kerrigan, vice president of innovations at Jhpiego. “How can we—each one of us—be part of the change process?” Innovations will be essential to meeting Sustainable Development Goal #3, which is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to below 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. Experts from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Jhpiego, Jacaranda Health, and Total Impact Capital came together at the Wilson Center on September 14th to discuss how maternal health clinics and other facilities can be drivers of innovation.
Backdraft #9: Joshua Busby on Mapping Hotspots of Climate and Security Vulnerability
›Maps help us to grasp complex ideas, such as patterns of risk and vulnerability, but the stories they tell can have significant implications. “It’s very difficult to validate that what you’re capturing in the maps is representative of real-world phenomenon,” says Joshua Busby in this week’s “Backdraft” episode, describing his efforts to map climate and security hotspots in Africa and Asia. “You have to be modest in what you think the maps can tell policymakers, but also realize there is some seductive power in the way maps simplify complex reality.”
To Fight Climate Change, Educate and Empower Girls
›Girls and women bear the brunt of climate change impacts. Natural disasters kill more women than men: an estimated 90 percent of those killed in some weather-related disasters were female. The effects of climate change on natural resources can also further exacerbate existing gender inequalities. Girls may be kept out of school to fetch water, as droughts drive them to walk farther and farther to find it. Seeking to stretch scarce household resources, families may marry off their daughters before the legal age and they may become more vulnerable to human trafficking after natural disasters.
GMOs: Can U.S.-China Cooperation Address Public Distrust and Increase Food Security?
›Today, China feeds 1.38 billion people—approximately one-fifth of the global population—with about 10 percent of the world’s arable land. Compared to the United States, where each acre of land feeds one citizen on average, China has only 0.2 acres per person. This people-to-land mismatch helps explain why 9.3 percent of China’s population was undernourished in 2015.
The Arctic: In the Face of Change, an Ocean of Cooperation
›“The United States and Russia… have found ways to continue to cooperate in the Arctic—particularly, but not only—through the Arctic Council, despite the difficulties on other issues relating to other parts of the world,” said Ambassador David Balton, deputy assistant secretary for oceans and fisheries at the U.S. Department of State at a recent Wilson Center forum on the Arctic.
Dealing with Disasters: Invest in Communities to Realize Resilience Dividends
›September 27, 2017 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaThe 1-2-3 punch of hurricanes Irma, Harvey, and Maria has made it devastatingly clear that extreme weather events can and will destroy families, interrupt livelihoods, and tear apart communities, particularly in coastal and low-lying areas of vulnerable regions like the Caribbean and the United States.
Ensuring Today’s Youth Become Tomorrow’s Successful Adults
›The future of global security will depend in large part on the fate of today’s 1.2 billion young people. Do youth between the ages of 15 and 24—a critical phase of life—possess the necessary social, physical, intellectual, and financial building blocks to underpin productive, healthy adulthoods? Or do they lack this solid base, putting them at risk of personal and social instability?
What Is Loss and Damage from Climate Change? First Academic Study Reveals Different Perspectives, Challenging Questions
›Following a series of recent devastating extreme weather events – mudslides in Sierra Leone, flooding in south Asia, and severe storms hitting the Philippines and the Gulf of Mexico, many have called attention to the role of climate change in these disasters. The string of Atlantic hurricanes that has devastated the Caribbean has prompted fresh calls to make nations and communities more resilient to the effects of climate change, and especially to address “loss and damage” in island nations.