While China Waits on Shale Gas, Soaring Energy Demands Create Regional Tensions
›China’s energy investments are on the move, touching nearly every region of the globe from coal and liquefied natural gas imports from Australia to a recent natural gas agreement with Russia and expanded oil drilling in the South China Sea. [Video Below]
Cautious Optimism: China’s Nuclear Energy Safety Measures Improving
›Motivated in part by mounting public pressure to cut down on the smog created by more than 600 coal-fired power plants, China’s nuclear energy capacity is growing faster than any other country in the world.
What Can Governments Do About Falling Birth Rates?
›“We have a fairly unique moment in the history of the world,” said Steven Philip Kramer, a professor at National Defense University, at the Wilson Center on April 17. “There’s never been a time when people have voluntarily produced fewer children than is necessary for sustaining the population.” [Video Below]
Steven Philip Kramer on ‘The Other Population Crisis’
›Ever since Thomas Malthus’ 18th-century treatise linked overpopulation with conflict and poverty, population growth has been a subject of concern and controversy. But does population decline warrant similar attention? According to Steven Philip Kramer, the subject of this week’s podcast and author of The Other Population Crisis: What Governments Can Do About Falling Birth Rates, it does.
Katherine Carter, Fund for Peace
Is Youth Bulge a “Magic Indicator” for the Failed States Index?
›October 17, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffToday approximately 44 percent of the world’s 7.2 billion people are under 24 years old – and 26 percent are under 14. Of those 7.2 billion people, a staggering 82 percent live in less developed regions of the world – primarily sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Currently, the global median age is 29.2 years old, a sharp contrast to Europe, for example, where the median age is 41.
New UN Population Projections Released: Pockets of High Fertility Drive Overall Increase
›June 26, 2013 // By Elizabeth Leahy MadsenOctober 31, 2011, was notable not only for the annual ritual of candy and costumes, but also for its designation by the United Nations as the date when global population reached seven billion. Although just an estimate – demographers are not able to count individuals in real time on such a large scale – the event was an important opportunity to present population trends to the media and public dialogue. Several babies born that day were named the “seven billionth;” in Russia, where various incentives have been implemented to try to boost an ultra-low fertility rate, Vladimir Putin visited a maternity ward to greet one of them.
Carl Haub, Demographics Revealed
A Tale of Four Pyramids
›April 30, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Carl Haub, appeared on Demographics Revealed.
There has been quite a bit made in the media and in blogs about low birth rates in industrialized countries. Quite correctly, many people (and countries!) are concerned that unprecedented aging and a dearth of younger people are leading to serious pressure on national budgets from a rising burden of support for the elderly because of a declining group of tax-paying workers. But the situation is far from equal everywhere, and less is written about that.
East Asia’s Many Maritime Disputes and the Imperative of Energy Access
›Friction between Japan and China in the East China Sea has escalated this year to the point where jets on both sides have been scrambled and Chinese military vessels have locked their fire control radar onto their Japanese counterparts multiple times. The source of this tension is the Senkaku (as they are known in Japan) or Diaoyu (if you’re in China) Islands – specifically, who owns them.
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