Beyond Carbon Credits: TIST Combines Reforestation, Health, and Livelihood Efforts
›Carbon offsets have fallen in and out of favor since they were established with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. Critics say they allow wealthy organizations to placate consumers and claim their products are “green” without making any real, lasting changes. But, if the scheme works properly, some action is supposed to be taken somewhere, so what is it like at one of these credit-producing organizations?
India’s Environmental Security Challenge: Water, Coal, Natural Gas, and Climate Change Fuel Friction
›November 23, 2012 // By Michael KugelmanThe original version of this article appeared in NATO Review.
Few regions are more environmentally insecure than South Asia.
The region faces rising sea levels and regularly experiences coastal flooding – of particular concern in a region with heavily populated and arable-land-rich coastal areas. Additionally, it is highly vulnerable to glacial melt. The Western Himalayas, which provide water supplies to much of South Asia, have experienced some of the most rapid melt in the world.
Making ‘Beyond Seven Billion’: Reporting on Population, Environment, and Security
›“When I embarked on this series, I approached it as an environmental reporter: What does a growing number of us and growing consumption mean for our planet?” said Los Angeles Times reporter Ken Weiss at the Wilson Center on October 9. Weiss, along with photographer Rick Loomis, recently completed a five-part series and multimedia presentation on global population that was the culmination of a year of research and travel through more than six countries. [Video Below]
Connecting the Dots Between Security and Land Rights in India
›Across India, where I live and work, I can clearly see the connection between land rights and peace and security.
With respect to personal safety and security: 12 percent of all murders here are related to conflicts over land.
On a provincial level: few weeks go by without newspapers here reporting on violence between communities who are battling over land.
Michael Kugelman, Global Times
Repairs Could Stifle South Asia’s Water War
›October 19, 2012 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Michael Kugelman, appeared on Global Times.
In recent weeks, militants in Pakistan have escalated their hostile rhetoric toward India. The subject of their ire is water. Hafiz Saeed, the head of militant Islamist group Jamaat-ud-Dawa, has warned that India plans “to make Pakistan barren” by preventing the waters of the Indus Basin from flowing downstream to Pakistan.
Russell Sticklor, Stimson Center
The Race to Harness Himalayan Hydropower
›October 11, 2012 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Russell Sticklor, appeared at the Stimson Center.
Spend a day in Kathmandu, Nepal’s sprawling capital of four million people, and you’ll quickly notice what has long been a fact of life in this landlocked Himalayan country, and many other South Asian nations – no reliable electricity supply exists. Up to eight times a day, neighborhoods throughout the city suffer rolling power cuts due to load shedding, causing residents and businesses alike to either carry on in the darkness or rely on expensive, diesel-consuming generators to keep the lights on. Although the country’s civil war ended in 2006, carrying the promise of restored domestic stability and accelerated economic development, Nepal’s economy has remained hamstrung by an inconsistent energy supply, with only 40 percent of the population having access to electricity. This situation persists despite the fact that the country sits on top of a virtual goldmine – an estimated 80,000 megawatts (MW) of untapped hydroelectricity, of which it has harnessed a scant 700 MW.
Hillary Rosner, Momentum Magazine
Bridges and Bicycles in India
›October 8, 2012 // By Wilson Center StaffThis is part of a seven-part “environmental challenges and opportunities” series featured in the University of Minnesota’s fall issue of Momentum magazine.
As world population careens toward nine billion, all the planet’s systems will be strained. Lowering fertility rates is a complex endeavor, and no one path leads directly there. Poverty, access to contraception, education, job prospects, cultural mores – all of these influence family size. So addressing any of them, or a combination, can help. Solutions abound, at least on a relatively small scale, such as conservation programs that include family planning components.
Beer: The Perfect Illustration of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus?
›The water-energy-food nexus seems to be garnering more and more attention in the media and elsewhere, and it’s easy to see why: it’s a relatively simple way to illustrate how interconnected the world is today and the kind of domino-like effects that scarcity can have.
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