The New World of Climate Suffering
›To date, there have been two proposed responses to climate change: mitigation, aimed at stopping the buildup of greenhouse gases, and adaptation, focused on accommodating ourselves to a warmer world. There is a third option, however, that is increasingly relevant: suffering.
Dawn of the Smart City? Perspectives From New York, Ahmedabad, São Paulo, and Beijing (Report Launch)
›Rapid growth and environmental change are creating new challenges for urban areas around the world. By 2050, as many as 7 out of 10 people on Earth will live in cities, with the vast majority of growth occurring in today’s developing countries. [Video Below]
Adil Najam: Pakistan’s Security Problems Distract From Climate Vulnerabilities
›When Pakistan makes the news, more often than not it’s for one of two things: violent extremism or drone strikes. Adil Najam, a Pakistan expert and a lead author for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, says those headlines distract from a far more pressing security concern for the country: climate change.
Russell Sticklor, CGIAR
Can Underground Water Storage Mitigate Cross-Basin Tensions?
›May 16, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffAs the earth’s surface grows hotter and precipitation becomes more variable due to the impacts of climate change, the world is in need of solutions to more effectively store water supplies. One potential solution is deceptively simple: store water in aquifers below the ground.
Violent Straw Men? Sex Ratios, Conflict, and a Methodological Disconnect
›The emerging subfield of “security demographics” is interested in how demographic trends, such as youth bulges, high or low fertility rates, and sex ratios affect the security and stability of nation-states and regions. In our research, Andrea Den Boer and I have attempted to show that abnormally high sex ratios – situations where there are significantly more men than women – have been a security concern in the past and may affect security and stability in the future.
Alfred Omenya: Gender-Based Violence Must Be Made More Visible
›Reducing gender-based violence requires turning our attention to what we normally do not see, says Alfred Omenya of Eco-Build Africa. In this week’s podcast, Omenya, who collaborated on a four-year study investigating all types of violence in four cities around the world, explains how certain forms of gender-based violence are “invisible” in conventional research and policy.
Water Wars? Think Again: Conflict Over Freshwater Structural Rather Than Strategic
›The global water wars are almost upon us!
At least that’s how it seems to many. The signs are troubling: Egypt and Ethiopia have recently increased their aggressive posture and rhetoric over the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the headwaters of the Blue Nile, Egypt’s major artery since antiquity. India continues to build new dams that are seen by its rival Pakistan as a threat to its “water interests” and thus its national security. Turkey, from its dominant position upstream, has been diverting the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and increasing water stress in the already-volatile states of Iraq and Syria.
“The Himalayas Are Pushing Back”: Keith Schneider on Why India Needs to Forge Its Own Path to Development
›India has the second largest – soon to be largest – population of any nation on the planet and boasts a rapidly developing economy, yet it consumes only a fraction of the energy of China or the United States. Much like China before it, the Indian government has proposed an ambitious system of hydroelectric projects in an attempt to catch up.
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