High Poverty: Medicinal Plants Offer Way Forward for Nepal’s Mountain Communities
›In a tiny village called Chepuwa in the Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal, high in the Himalayas and almost four days’ trek from the nearest road, Mikmar Bhote has been growing and selling medicinal and aromatic plants for five years.
Hydro-Diplomacy Can Build Peace Over Shared Waters, But Needs More Support
›From Ukraine and the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia, the world is engulfed in a series of significant international crises. But despite such urgent issues, it would be a grave mistake to forget about the structural foreign policy challenges – such as access to water – that could become the crises of the future.
Overcoming Malnutrition Key to Maternal and Child Health Improvements, Says Dr. Ranu Dhillon
›With less than 500 days until they expire, it’s almost certain that the Millennium Development Goals on child mortality and maternal health will be missed by many countries. Already, work on drafting the MDG successors has begun; but unless policymakers put nutrition at the center of maternal and child health systems, reducing global maternal and child mortality ratios by an appreciable amount will be difficult, says Dr. Ranu Dhillon in this week’s podcast.
Proven and Promising Solutions to Strengthening Maternal Health Supply Chains
›In 2012, as part of the Every Women Every Child movement, 13 vital health commodities were identified by a UN panel that could save the lives of more than 6 million women and children over the course of five years. There are often significant cultural and behavioral barriers to these commodities reaching people in low- and middle-income countries, but physical logistics is also a major problem.
The Intergenerational Cycle of Malnutrition: How Gender and Social Status Doom Many Mothers and Newborns
›When Dr. Ranu Dhillon stumbled upon baby Reena during a routine visit to a clinic in India, she was almost comatose and unable to get the care she needed. Dhillon traveled with Reena and her mother from hospital to hospital, but left again and again without finding treatment. [Video Below]
Don’t Forget About Governance: The Risk of Tunnel Vision in Chasing Resilience for Asia’s Cities
›Asia is going through an unprecedented wave of urbanization. Secondary and tertiary cities are seeing the most rapid changes in land-use and ownership, social structures, and values as peri-urban and agricultural land become part of metropolitan cityscapes. All the while, climate change is making many of these fast-growing cities more vulnerable to disasters.
India’s Faltering Energy Production, Damaged Water Resources Demand Modi’s Close Attention
›India’s new prime minister swept into office in May on a message of aspiration and a reputation for action.
During the nearly 13 years that Narendra Modi served as chief minister of Gujarat before becoming prime minister, his successes included drastically curtailing the number of hours that manufacturers in India’s premier industrial state went without electricity. The state’s transmission grid was strengthened and he promoted the development of 900 megawatts of solar generating capacity (equivalent to a large nuclear plant).
Climate Change Will Test Water-Sharing Agreements
›July 15, 2014 // By Thomas CurranMany existing water-sharing treaties should be re-assessed in the context of climate change, write Shlomi Dinar, David Katz, Lucia De Stefano, and Brian Blakespoor in a World Bank working paper.
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