Shining a Light on China’s Hidden Waste Workers
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // Vulnerable Deltas // November 9, 2023 // By Guo Chen, Liwen Chen & Jia FengThe untold stories about waste are about invisible and vulnerable waste workers. China is no exception. The millions of Chinese migrant waste workers who recover 20% of the country’s urban waste are ignored. Chinese policymakers need to integrate migrant waste workers, their knowledge, and social justice issues into the country’s waste management future. -
All You Can Eat: Unlocking Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in China’s Agri-food System
›China Environment Forum // Cool Agriculture // Guest Contributor // October 26, 2023 // By Meian Chen & Diego MonteroChina’s power sector makes up the lion’s share of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, but rising methane emissions from rice farming and livestock, nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers, and CO2 from food transport could all hinder China’s progress toward its 2060 carbon neutrality goal. Chinese policymakers could rein in agri-food emissions by modifying existing climate plans and policies. Climate-smart agriculture is not only a mitigation strategy, but also an adaptation strategy to intensifying extreme weather events like heatwaves and typhoons. -
Chinese Rail Export’s Environmental Dilemma: Economic Gains or Green?
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // Vulnerable Deltas // October 19, 2023 // By Keren ZhuMany developing countries today face the dual challenges of development and decarbonization, racing against climate change that makes the latter increasingly urgent. This dilemma brings China’s railway investments in Africa under the spotlight. Can stakeholders of these megaprojects achieve the goal of boosting host countries’ economies while mitigating the socio-environmental risks of these ventures? -
Can China’s Eco-Authoritarianism Lead Global Climate Action?
›In a time where climate action is urgent, there are debates how China’s “eco-authoritarianism” can move climate and environmental policies faster than in liberal democracies. Although eco-authoritarianism has some benefits, it is no “green bullet” as divisions between China’s central and local governments and a lack of civic participation can slow or derail some climate and pollution policies.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Powering a Low or High Carbon Future?
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // Vulnerable Deltas // September 28, 2023 // By Chuyu LiuChina’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) can significantly affect the country’s domestic and overseas energy transition and decarbonization agenda. Electricity projects in China’s BRI investments, contrary to popular impressions of being part of a monolithic “project of the century,” have divergent implications for the host country’s shift away from coal-based power plants. -
Building Back China’s Great Wetland Wall: Q&A with Paulson Institute Wetland Team
›Known as “Earth’s kidneys,” wetlands provide a variety of ecological benefits: habitats for diverse species, flood containment, pollutant purification, and carbon absorption. But in China, wetland loss and degradation has exposed people to the whims of climate change. What has China done to protect its wetlands, and how should the country better adapt to climate change with wetlands—a “Great Wall” made of mudflats, mangroves, and waterbirds? Jianbin Shi and Xiaojing Gan, two China-based wetland experts from the Paulson Institute, may enlighten us.
The Rising Challenge of Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // August 31, 2023 // By Ben Lilliston & Shefali SharmaThe abundance of milk, cheese, and egg on our kitchen tables are inseparable from the rise of large feed-grain-dependent dairies. In today’s global dairy industry, giant dairy farms are displacing smaller farms and increasing methane emissions. China’s rapid dairy expansion, alongside major players like the EU, US, and New Zealand, also raises environmental concerns. What can government regulators and stakeholders do to curb greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy industry?
How China’s Mountain Farmers are Coping with Climate Change
›China Environment Forum // Cool Agriculture // Guest Contributor // August 24, 2023 // By Miaomiao (Mira) Qi
Faced with the grim situation of normalized extreme heat and drought, it is imperative for China to improve agricultural resilience to climate change. Rural communities, often led by women, are using seed banks and traditional techniques to boost local crop diversity and food security in order to adapt to climate change.
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