World Water Day Focuses on Cooperation in the Face of Growing Stress
›March 22, 2013 // By Schuyler NullCooperation, not conflict; that’s the theme of this year’s World Water Day. Collaboration over water has been the rule rather than the exception over the past 70 years, UNESCO explained in the launch of their International Year for Water Cooperation initiative earlier this year (which the rest of the UN is thoughtfully supporting).
But the fact that there’s need for such an initiative shows that water conflict and other water issues are not far from the minds of global policymakers. Scarcity, drought, climate change, food security, disease – water impacts people and their governments in so many ways. Here’s a rundown of some of our best related posts.
Paradigm Shift in Chinese Environmental Sector Needed, Says Activist Wang Canfa
›A well-known Chinese proverb describing the relationship between the central government in Beijing and its people says, “Heaven is high and the emperor is far away” (天高皇帝远, tian gao, huang di yuan). It’s not too far of a stretch to apply the same proverb to the current state of China’s environment sector, where relatively strong pollution control laws are poorly enforced on the ground.
Jason Beaubien, Shots
Power Shift Under Way As Middle Class Expands In Developing World
›March 19, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Jason Beaubien, appeared on NPR’s health blog, Shots.
“The meek shall inherit the earth” – that seems to be the latest message from the United Nations Development Program.
East Asia’s Many Maritime Disputes and the Imperative of Energy Access
›Friction between Japan and China in the East China Sea has escalated this year to the point where jets on both sides have been scrambled and Chinese military vessels have locked their fire control radar onto their Japanese counterparts multiple times. The source of this tension is the Senkaku (as they are known in Japan) or Diaoyu (if you’re in China) Islands – specifically, who owns them.
Breaking Out of the Green House: Indian Leadership in Times of Environmental Change (Book Preview)
›The 2009 Copenhagen summit was a watershed moment in the history of climate change negotiations, especially from an Indian perspective. Brazil, South Africa, India, and China – the “BASIC” group – asserted their position, which led to a virtual collapse in talks, ostensibly marking the ascent of the global “south” and relative descent of the “north.”
Cleo Paskal and Uttam Sinha on the Geopolitical Implications of Climate Change for India and China
›India and China – “the two most important countries going forward in this century” – will both experience domestic concerns as a result of environmental change, but they are responding very differently, said Cleo Paskal, an associate fellow at Chatham House, in an interview with the Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation (ECC) Platform.
Mapping China’s Massive West-East Electricity Transfer Project [Infographic]
›The Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum is proud to announce that we are launching our first interactive infographic: a map of China’s West-East Electricity Transfer Project. The map underscores China’s energy and water imbalances and the looming choke point China faces in terms of water, food, and energy security. The map also illustrates how consumer goods made in China’s factories along its eastern coast are powered by coal and hydropower in the country’s western provinces.
Peter Thomson on the Big International Environment and Energy Stories of 2013
›Increasing energy demands around the world will mean a continuing focus on other fuel sources and climate change, said Peter Thomson of PRI’s The World, including the use of coal in countries like China and the safety of hydraulic fracturing and nuclear power. Other areas to watch include water, agriculture, and possible tipping points like dieback in the Amazon rainforest.
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