Climate Change and National Security in an Age of Austerity: The 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review
›March 7, 2014 // By Kate DiamondEarlier this week, the Department of Defense released its first Quadrennial Defense Review since fiscal cliffs, shutdowns, and spending cuts hit the federal government. Not surprisingly, “austerity” shows up in almost every chapter of the report. What shows up even more? Climate change. For the second QDR in a row, the Pentagon has called out climate change as a “significant challenge for the United States and the world at large.”
20 Years After Doomsday Predictions, China Is Feeding Itself, But Global Impacts Remain Unclear
›How has China managed to feed nearly one-quarter of the world’s population with only seven percent of the world’s arable land?
In 1995, Lester Brown forecasted doom and gloom for China’s ability to produce enough grain for its people, in his popular book, Who Will Feed China? He hypothesized that China would be forced to buy grain from abroad, thereby seriously disrupting world food markets.
Joshua Zaffos, Yale Environment 360
Life on Mekong Faces Threats As Major Dams Begin to Rise
›February 20, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffIn the sleepy northern Thai border town of Huay Luk, a community leader, Pornsawan Boontun, still remembers the day when villagers netted a Mekong giant catfish more than a decade ago. The fish weighed 615 pounds, and it surprised everyone since the elusive species has never been common in this stretch of river.
Can China Solve Its Water-Energy Choke Point? Wilson Center Launches ‘China Environment Series 12’
›Factories in China’s Pearl River Delta tick-tock around the clock, rapidly churning out gadgets from iPhones and Barbie dolls to forks and light bulbs, shipped off to village shops in Uganda and super Walmarts in America’s sprawling suburbs. But far from the global consumer’s view, manufacturing and rapid development are placing unrelenting pressure on China’s environment.
Our Last Best Hope? Family Planning and Women’s Empowerment
›January 7, 2014 // By Laurie MazurThe original version of this article appeared on the Aspen Institute blog.
When journalist Alan Weisman proposed a new book on the challenges posed by human population growth, his editor said, “That one’s a live wire; don’t touch it.”
Torrent of Water and Questions Pour From India’s Himalayas
›We made the crossing at night from Chamoli, reaching Okund, a Himalayan foothill town after dark. The innkeeper, anxious for guests in a travel economy that came to a standstill in mid-June, cooked dal and nan bread for dinner and then showed us to a room that was unlit and unheated.
Lisa Palmer, Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media
Feeding 9 Billion on a Hot and Hungry Planet
›The original version of this article, by Lisa Palmer, appeared on The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media.
Humans, it’s no secret, are versatile and unpredictable in how they use their land. We build mega-cities in deserts, raise crops on flood plains, live along vulnerable coast lines enjoying seas dangerously rising, and burn rain forests to create new pastures.
Curbing China’s Massive – and Destructive – Distant Water Fishing Fleet
›Last month, two Chinese fishing boats were caught operating illegally in South Korean waters. The incident made local headlines and minor diplomatic waves, but it’s just a drop in the bucket in what has become a troubling trend for China’s foreign water fishing fleets. Over the last decade, there have been more than 4,600 cases of Chinese fishing boats being caught illegally in South Korea’s waters alone, according to the government, and these marine transgressions have not been limited to neighbors.
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