Katie Millar, Maternal Health Task Force
Global Experts Highlight Importance of Midwives to Maternal Health
›May 5 was the International Day of the Midwife, an opportunity for the global community to come together to recognize the incredible impact midwives have on maternal and newborn health and decreasing mortality. Want to know more about what global leaders are doing to strengthen midwifery?
Roger-Mark De Souza Talks Global Population Dynamics on ‘Radio Times’
›From aging populations in East Asia, Europe, and the United States to youth in sub-Saharan Africa, changing demographics have implications for the entire global community, said Roger-Mark De Souza, director of population, environmental security, and resilience at the Wilson Center in an April 20 interview for WHYY’s Radio Times in Philadelphia.
Blockade of Yemeni Ports Has Unintended Consequences on Food Security, Somali Fishing Industry
›Hundreds of Yemenis have been killed since Houthi rebels overthrew President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi at the beginning of April. The instability next door has led Saudi Arabia to intervene with a bombing campaign and, most recently, impose a blockade of Yemen’s port cities to cut off what they claim is Iranian resupply of rebels. Besides blocking weapons though, the blockade is also having a major impact on food security and food assistance, and is even affecting livelihoods in Somalia.
Wilson Center and USAID Launch “Resilience for Peace Project”
›As “resilience” builds as a theme for the development community, a few key concepts are rising to the top of the conversation. [Video Below]
What’s in a Name? States of Fragility and Adjusting Aid to Conflict Zones
›April 13, 2015 // By Lauren Herzer RisiDepending on how closely you pay attention to the OECD, you may have picked up on a subtle but meaningful change in this year’s States of Fragility report. Whereas previous reports were titled Fragile States, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has shifted its framing to focus less on states and more on conditions, less on the binary status of a “fragile state” and more on fragility as a universal condition that can impede development in all countries.
Interview With Michael Brown, UN Senior Mediation Expert in Natural Resources and Land Conflicts
›April 8, 2015 // By Linnea BennettNatural resources rarely feature during peacebuilding efforts, but there is growing evidence that’s a mistake. Unresolved natural resource management issues can make peace more fragile, while addressing them can act as a bridge toward cooperation.
Not Enough to Go Around? Tensions Over Land Threaten to Boil Over in Burundi
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High Stakes: Understanding Risk and Why This Year’s Climate Negotiations Are So Important
›Expectations for the upcoming UN climate change summit in Paris are higher than they’ve been in years. Experts expect it will be the best chance to achieve a binding, universal agreement to limit carbon emissions. But the conference is still not getting the attention it deserves from policymakers and the public, given the stakes – and not just for the environment but for the international system writ large, said Nick Mabey, founding director and chief executive of the UK-based environmental NGO E3G at the Wilson Center on February 12.
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