Michael Kimmelman, The New York Times
Mexico City, Parched and Sinking, Faces a Water Crisis
›February 20, 2017 // By Wilson Center StaffMEXICO CITY – On bad days, you can smell the stench from a mile away, drifting over a nowhere sprawl of highways and office parks.
Richard Choularton on 3 Steps to Avert the Famines We See Coming
›There has been great progress in anticipating famines in recent years, with most predicted six or more months ahead of time, says Richard Choularton, senior associate for food security and climate change at Tetra Tech, in this week’s podcast. But action to address their humanitarian impacts has lagged. Responses need to be more consistent and faster, he says, happening “almost without human intervention.”
Sherri Goodman: Incorporate Climate Risks into Diplomacy, Development, and Defense
›“We are seeing floods, droughts, extreme weather events, migration of people across borders, as well as sea-level rise, and we are going to see increasing challenges,” says Wilson Center Senior Fellow Sherri Goodman in an interview with the German think tank, adelphi.
Come Hell or Holy Water: India’s Fight to Save the Ganges
›February 13, 2017 // By Sreya PanugantiRevered for far more than its contribution to Indian civilization, the Ganges represents the goddess of salvation, Ganga. As a symbol of purity in Hindu mythology, the holy river is thought to cleanse believers both spiritually and physically with its waters.
Torn Social Fabric: Water, Violence, and Migration in Central America
›In the first half of last year, 26,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended by U.S. law enforcement trying to cross the southern border. Most came from Central American states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Such displacement is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of migration in the region. Many more are moving from rural to urban areas and into neighboring countries seeking opportunity and fleeing violence.
Global Water and National Security: Why the Time Is Now
›During the 2016 campaign President Trump stated that clean water would be a top priority of his administration, telling ScienceDebate.org “it may be the most important issue we face as a nation for the next generation.” Now is the time to make good on that commitment.
Vice-President Eduardo Stein on Water Conflict in Guatemala: Origins and Solutions
›Since 2014, Central America has experienced a dramatic lack of rainfall, destroying grain crops and killing cattle. As of last summer, 2.8 million people were impacted by drought and 900,000 were at risk of malnutrition in Guatemala alone. The effects of environmental change have been especially acute in Guatemala because they are layering on top of existing dysfunction and instability, says Former Vice-President of Guatemala (2004-2008) Eduardo Stein in this week’s podcast.
Wartime Public Health Crises Cause More Deaths Than Weapons, So Why Don’t We Pay More Attention?
›In 2004 I was honored to be interviewed for The Lancet medical journal’s “Lifeline” series. I had just come away from a disastrous short tenure as the interim minister of health in Iraq following the 2003 war. I had support from former Secretary of State Colin Powell to rapidly mitigate and recover the war-related destruction of essential public health infrastructure and protections required as occupiers under Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Conventions that follow every war.
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