Tracking National Security in the Paris Outcome
›Security was inseparable from the climate talks in Paris, from the safety of conference participants to how climate change impacts the stability of nations.
As Ebola Lingers in Liberia, What Have We Learned?
›The deadly West African Ebola epidemic has largely faded from headlines, replaced by mounting concern over conflict in the Middle East, terrorism, and refugees streaming into Europe. But while Guinea and Sierra Leone were declared free of the disease in November, Monrovia saw three new cases two weeks later. At least 149 individuals who came into contact with the infected have been identified thus far, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The U.S. Asia-Pacific Rebalance, National Security, and Climate Change (Report Launch)
›In the hierarchy of global and national security challenges, climate change comes out near the top, said a panel of distinguished defense, diplomacy, and intelligence leaders at the Wilson Center on November 17. [Video Below]
In Morocco, a Microcosm of What Leads Many to Leave Their Home Countries
›Global attention is understandably focused on Syrian refugees, but the migration crisis in Europe is part of a bigger trend that climate and social scientists have been warning about for years.
The Long Tail of Paris and What to Watch for Next
›December 4, 2015 // By Schuyler NullThe most important and anticipated climate change conference in years is finally underway. In some ways, as Bill McKibben and Andrew Revkin have pointed out, its success is relatively assured thanks to the number of major commitments countries have already made. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to see here. “The conference isn’t the game – it’s the scoreboard,” writes McKibben. To extend the metaphor even more, you might call it the league scoreboard, giving us a glimpse of many different storylines playing out.
The ECC Factbook Illustrates How the Environment Can Contribute to Peace and Conflict
›In his speech on climate change and national security on November 10, Secretary of State John Kerry said climate change is already a “threat multiplier,” and that worse is to be expected if climate change continues unchecked. But the relationship between the environment and violent conflict is complex and often indirect. Researchers have been wrangling for years over the role that global environmental change plays in fueling conflict and state fragility.
Priyali Sur, Foreign Policy
South Asian Environmental Migrants Pushed to Back of Line in Refugee Flood
›November 26, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe dark eyes and hair of the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Afghans almost blend with the other migrants’. The brown skin tones are also not giveaways, but ask them where they come from, and you notice the hesitation – trying hard to blend into the crowd of Syrian migrants at Europe’s border crossings, afraid of being spotted and sent back.
Will a Welcome Peace Derail Colombia’s Sustainable Development Plans?
›When Colombia is in the news, it’s not necessarily for the reasons we Colombians would like. We have lived through 50 years of violent conflict. Peace is a very abstract idea to most of us. Despite this we are still some of the happiest people on Earth.
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