A Dialogue on Pakistan’s Galloping Urbanization
›Pakistan, long a nation defined by its large rural populations and dominant agricultural industries, is undergoing a dramatic urban shift.
According to UN Population Division estimates, the country is urbanizing at a three percent annual rate – the fastest pace in South Asia. In barely 10 years, nearly 50 percent of Pakistan’s 180 million people will live in cities (a third do today). Pakistani government projections using density-based rather than administrative definitions of urbanization suggest that Pakistan’s urban population has already reached 50 percent.
Jacqueline H. Wilson, U.S. Institute of Peace
Can Aquifer Discovery in Kenya Bring Peace to Desolate Region?
›October 28, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe people of northern Kenya currently face many daily hardships. Primarily pastoralists by livelihood, their cycle of life focuses on the basics – securing food and water for family and livestock, constructing shelter from the unforgiving sun, and finding sustenance when periodic droughts ravage the region. A 2011 drought affected millions of people, and tens of thousands of livestock died. Approximately 90 percent of the area’s population lives below the poverty line.
Katherine Carter, Fund for Peace
Is Youth Bulge a “Magic Indicator” for the Failed States Index?
›October 17, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffToday approximately 44 percent of the world’s 7.2 billion people are under 24 years old – and 26 percent are under 14. Of those 7.2 billion people, a staggering 82 percent live in less developed regions of the world – primarily sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Currently, the global median age is 29.2 years old, a sharp contrast to Europe, for example, where the median age is 41.
Harvesting Peace: Food Security, Conflict, and Cooperation (Report Launch)
›In the wake of food riots in more than 30 countries in 2008 and the Arab Spring, in which food prices played an instigating role, the relationship between food security and instability demands a closer examination. “There is a lot of data on conflict, and a lot of data on food security, but it’s rarely brought together,” said Emmy Simmons, the author of the latest edition of ECSP Report. [Video Below]
Emmy Simmons: To Improve Food Security and Prevent Conflict, Think and Commit Long Term
›“Food is really fundamental to people’s daily existence, and the price or the access to that food is clearly important to them, and people will turn out in the streets when that price spike is unanticipated,” says Emmy Simmons, author of Harvesting Peace: Food Security, Conflict, and Cooperation, in this week’s podcast.
Simmons gives an overview of the latest edition of ECSP Report, which examines how conflict affects food security, and how food security affects conflict.
Africa’s Demography, Environment, Security Challenges Entwined, Says Roger-Mark De Souza at Africa Center for Strategic Studies
›Sub-Saharan Africa is not only the fastest growing region of the world demographically but is also one of the most vulnerable to climate changes, according to many measures, and already facing natural resource scarcity in many areas. These factors combine with existing development challenges to create security threats that African governments and the United States should be concerned with, says ECSP Director Roger-Mark De Souza in a presentation for the Africa Center for Strategic Studies’ introductory course on demography and the environment at the National Defense University.
ECC Platform
Data for Peace: Inventory of Shared Waters in Western Asia
›October 1, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article appeared on the Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation (ECC) Platform.
The Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation team talked to Eileen Hofstetter from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. She is co-author of the Inventory of Shared Water Resources in Western Asia released at this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm. The Inventory was prepared by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources.
Complicated Causality: Edward Carr on Food Security and Conflict
›“It seems to me the food security linkage suffers from the same problem that an awful lot of the environment and conflict literature suffers from: There are more negative cases than positive cases,” says Edward Carr in this week’s podcast. “In other words, you have a lot of cases where there is a [food] price spike and no violence or no conflict.”
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