Geoff Dabelko, Ensia
The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral: Barriers to Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Development
›February 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffWhat do melting Himalayan glaciers have to do with food security in Cambodia? Not much, thought an aid practitioner trying to boost food security along the lower reaches of the Mekong River – until she heard a colleague working on the Tibetan Plateau describe the downstream implications of climate change in the Himalayas. Everything she was working on, she suddenly realized, could be literally washed away.
Does Women’s Empowerment Encourage Good Global Citizenship?
›These days, when the going gets tough, women “increase the peace.” From U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the international community has learned that women’s leadership can contribute a different voice to fostering peace, alleviating poverty, and fighting for the rights of the oppressed.
Ready for Change: Notre Dame Launches the Global Adaptation Index
›In 2008 and 2010, the price of many basic food stuffs soared, sparking a series of riots and food crises around the world. People in the poorest countries – those living with the smallest margins – were most affected, while the economies of developed nations were able to absorb the price changes. According to Notre Dame’s Global Adaptation Index, how climate change will impact different countries depends not only on their vulnerability to physical changes, but also their ability to absorb these impacts. [Video Below]
Turning the Tide? Technology Provides New Ways to Combat Gender-Based Violence
›Worldwide, one in three women suffer beatings, coercion into sex, or other abuse from an intimate partner during her lifetime, according to the UN, while one in five is a victim of rape or attempted rape.
“Gender-based violence is a pervasive global challenge. It serves as a barrier to national economic and social advancement across the world,” said Alex Dehgan, former chief scientist and director of the Office of Science and Technology at the U.S. Agency for International Development, on December 9 at the Wilson Center. [Video Below]
Kirya: How a Village in Tanzania Shows the Challenge of Just Climate Adaptation
›In many parts of the world, climate change exacerbates existing inequalities – between men and women, rich and poor, landed and landless. Climate change responses, therefore, should carefully address these forms of vulnerability.
We hear this often, but in practice, it can be difficult to do.
Opportunity Amidst Conflict: Margie Buchanan-Smith on Long-Distance Trade and Peace-Building in Darfur
›Trade is “the lifeblood of Darfur’s economy,” says Margie Buchanan-Smith in this week’s podcast.
Buchanan-Smith, a visiting fellow at Tuft University’s Feinstein International Center and the lead author of a recent study on livestock trade in Sudan, presented at the Wilson Center in November about the Feinstein Center’s collaboration with the UN Environment Program studying pastoralism in Sudan during the last decade of conflict.
Natural Gas and Albacore: What Tuna Says About the Future of Mozambique
›January 13, 2014 // By Laura HensonA 20-year peace accord between Mozambique’s two major political parties was brought to an abrupt end last fall. A series of violent skirmishes between FRELIMO and RENAMO resulted in at least 10 deaths, dozens injured, and fears that the country might relapse into the kind of political violence seen during its civil war, which left more than a million dead. RENAMO claims its frustrations stem from a fraudulent electoral system and social inequality, but some observers have suggested their motivations may be less benevolent: making sure they get their piece of the country’s newfound natural gas wealth.
Geoff Dabelko: Face Down the “Four Tyrannies” to Improve Cross-Sectoral Collaboration
›What does Himalayan ice melt have to do with food security in Cambodia? A lot, when they both significantly affect the flow of the Mekong River. But when it comes to long-term planning across topical and regional lines, development agencies aren’t always as collaborative as they could be – both externally and internally.
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