The 30th Anniversary of the Safe Motherhood Initiative
›Since 1987, the number of women dying during pregnancy and delivery has dropped by 43 percent, saving hundreds of thousands of women’s lives—and changing the lives of their families—around the world. “Our achievement in making maternal mortality an injustice that needs to be recognized by health ministers, by heads of state, by heads of agencies, has been, I think, the single greatest achievement of the Safe Motherhood Initiative” since it began 30 years ago, said Ann Starrs, President and CEO of Guttmacher Institute, at a Wilson Center event marking the anniversary of this important effort.
The Single Best Intervention: Thirty Years of Safe Motherhood
›Over the last 30 years, the world has seen a 44 percent decrease in maternal mortality. At the same time, safe motherhood has evolved from an often neglected component of maternal and child health programs to a fundamental element of the global health agenda, leading to improved women’s health and rights. These advancements are, in large part, due to the 1987 establishment of the Safe Motherhood Initiative. To help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, Dot Mom asked leaders in the field to reflect on the most impactful intervention of last 30 years. Join us at the Wilson Center on Friday, December 8, 1-5 p.m., to discuss these interventions—and those to come in the next 30 years.
A Little Respect: Improving Maternity Care
›“Disrespect and abuse during facility-based childbirth is a very widespread phenomena with different manifestations,” said Rima Jolivet from the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) during a recent webinar hosted by MHTF and Ariadne Labs on the need for respectful maternity care (RMC). Jolivet was joined by Katherine Semrau from Ariadne Labs, Rose Molina from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Ariadne Labs, Saraswathi Vedam from Birth Place Lab, and David Sando from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Too Much, Too Soon: Addressing Over-Intervention in Maternity Care
›For years, the primary approach to improving global maternal health was additive – to increase capacity to address shortfalls in clinics, doctors, supplies, information, and skilled care. Today, however, some women are experiencing issues related to the opposite problem: too much.
A Little Respect: Saraswathi Vedam on Reducing Over-Intervention in Maternal Care Through More Autonomy
›Governments and health organizations have made remarkable gains in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity rates around the world. Much of those gains have been driven by increasing capacity, directing more women to hospitals and clinics to ensure they get modern medical care. Increasingly, however, experts are realizing that this push has brought challenges of its own.
For India, Achieving the Next Generation of Maternal Health Goals Requires New Approaches
›Achieving the next generation of maternal health goals in India, which accounts for almost 15 percent of maternal deaths around the world each year, will require innovative new approaches to stubborn problems.
Elena Ateva on Putting the Individual at the Center of Maternal Care
›Exactly one year after the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, The Lancet published a special series on achieving maternal health priorities in the SDG era, with a focus on quality, equity, strengthening entire health systems, sustainable financing, and collecting better evidence.
Better Training and Support for Midwives Is Saving Women’s Lives
›The feats that pregnant women perform under some of the most rudimentary conditions are sometimes unimaginable.
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