New Data Explorer Explains Assumptions Behind Population Projections
›Population projections undergird many important policy decisions, from the U.S. government’s Feed the Future program to the Sustainable Development Goals. But they’re not as straightforward as they appear. Demographers often base their estimates on complicated assumptions that aren’t obvious to the end user.
Bridging the Gap: Family Planning, Rights, and Climate-Compatible Development
›“There is no magic bullet or solution to resolving climate change quickly,” said the Population Reference Bureau’s Jason Bremner at the Wilson Center on October 28. “Our next 100 years will be far different from the last 100 or the last 1000…and it has become clear that nations will have to pursue many strategies in order to reduce emissions, build resilience, and adapt.” [Video Below]
The U.S. Military’s Role in Global Health; Motivating Behavioral Change Through Personal Health
›Climate change mitigation efforts are more broadly supported when they are framed as a public health issue, according to results recently published in Climatic Change. After polling U.S. participants with political identities ranging from very liberal to very conservative, authors Nada Petrovic, Jaime Madrigano, and Lisa Zaval found most participants, except those who identified as very conservative, believed “health” to be the most compelling reason to reduce fossil fuels.
Gerald Stang, European Union Institute for Security Studies
Climate Change and EU Security: When and How Do They Intersect?
›December 3, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffThe potential security challenges linked with climate change can make for great headlines. While sensationalist claims about water wars, states collapsing in chaos, or the forced migration of hundreds of millions cannot be completely discounted for the long term, intelligent mitigation and adaptation efforts can help avoid the worst of these – and manage the rest.
Pentagon Sustainability Report, IPCC Synthesis Highlight Climate Challenges and Responses
›The culmination of five years of work by three working groups comprising hundreds of scientists around the world, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment was released in parts throughout this year. A newly released synthesis presents their findings in one document.
Tripp Shealy and Elke U. Weber, The Daily Climate
Built-In Climate Solutions: Adjusting Defaults to Encourage More Efficient Design
›November 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has called for “urgent, daring action” to help deliver on his pledge to reduce New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050. The Mayor asked us all to think about “the reckless way in which we live.”
Climate Change a National Security Issue, Say Local and National Leaders From Pacific Northwest
›The effects of climate change “are here now” and pose a “serious challenge” for the United States, said Alice Hill, White House senior advisor for preparedness and resilience, at the Wilson Center on July 29. [Video Below]
Silver Buckshot: Alternative Pathways Towards Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
›In 1986, global nuclear weapons stockpiles peaked at nearly 70,000 warheads. By the beginning of 2013, there were just over 17,000, with only 4,400 kept operational. This dramatic reduction was the fruit of a negotiation process that began in the late 1940s. In spite of incredible tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, negotiators were able to make progress once they focused on building trust with small, pragmatic steps, rather than starting with the complete elimination of all weapons. [Video Below]
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