In Quest to Understand Climate Change and Conflict, Avoid Simplification
›As the war in Syria shows no signs of letting up, a recent article in Middle Eastern Studies put forward the hypothesis that the brutal conflict was triggered by government mismanagement of the country’s recent drought, which lasted from 2006 to 2010. It’s a story we’ve heard before.
Bouncing Forward: Why “Resilience” Is Important and Needs a Definition
›As policymakers respond to the threat of climate and environmental change, the concept of resilience has found itself at the center of discussion. Few scientists and policymakers, however, can come to a consensus on how to define, evaluate, and build resilience.
Opportunity Amidst Conflict: Margie Buchanan-Smith on Long-Distance Trade and Peace-Building in Darfur
›Trade is “the lifeblood of Darfur’s economy,” says Margie Buchanan-Smith in this week’s podcast.
Buchanan-Smith, a visiting fellow at Tuft University’s Feinstein International Center and the lead author of a recent study on livestock trade in Sudan, presented at the Wilson Center in November about the Feinstein Center’s collaboration with the UN Environment Program studying pastoralism in Sudan during the last decade of conflict.
New Sudan Study Has Researchers Re-Thinking Risks and Resilience of Pastoralism
›Sudan’s pastoralists gained infamy during the conflict in Darfur last decade, when outsiders described the violence as a result of competition between climate-stressed, semi-nomadic herders and sedentary farmers. But Sudan’s pastoralists may not be as fragile as previously thought and could even hold the key to survival for similar groups in Africa, said a panel of experts at the Wilson Center on November 13. [Video Below]
More Than Local: How PHE Can Help Solve Humanity’s Biggest Problems
›“Leave enough for everyone.” That’s what my mother used to tell us at dinner. However, the holiday season reminds me that human nature is far from innately moderate in consumption. With Black Friday as a kickoff, consumers will spend more than $600 billion by Christmas in the United States alone. As I witness droves of shoppers running through malls and stores, I wonder if their desire is driven by some insatiable appetite for their favorite products or something more fundamental about human nature.
In Urban Planning for Climate Change, Pay Attention to Population Dynamics & Smaller Cities, Says Daniel Schensul
›When it comes to coping with the effects of climate change, cities will be a crucial proving ground for adaptation efforts. Over the next few decades, the percentage of the world’s population living in urban areas is projected to increase to 67 percent – 6.3 billion people by 2050, according to the UN. But because three-quarters of the world’s major cities are located on coastlines, the growing percentage of urban residents means more people will be vulnerable to environmental stressors such as sea level rise and storm surges.
Climate Change in a Growing, Urbanizing World: Understanding the Demography of Adaptation (Book Launch)
›The effects of climate change are often conveyed through the lens of changing physical landscapes. Shifting weather patterns, the intensification of drought, flooding, and coastal erosion are all primary areas of climate research. But do researchers know enough about changes in the size, distribution, and composition of human populations as they relate to climate vulnerability? [Video Below]
“We Are Not Sitting Idle, We Are Fighting”: Interview With Saleemul Huq on Bangladesh’s Climate & Food Challenges
›When it comes to climate change vulnerability, it sometimes seems as if all eyes are on Bangladesh. As part of my research for a recent article exploring the rise of aquaculture in the country, I interviewed Saleemul Huq, senior fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development in London, former executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies, and lead author of two chapters on adaptation and sustainable development in the IPCC’s third and fourth assessment reports. A number of his quotes made it into the final story but I wanted to provide the full transcript here as well, as his thoughts on the country’s climate-related risks, food security, and population dynamics are worth a read.
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