Military Leaders Urge South Asian Countries to Put Aside Animosities in Face of Common Climate Threat
›July 6, 2016 // By Sreya PanugantiDespite a long history of confrontation and simmering tensions, three senior retired military leaders from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India urge the nations of South Asia to unite around a common rising threat in a new report.
Maxine Burkett on Why “Climate Refugees” Is Incorrect – and Why It Matters
›More and more we are hearing stories about “climate refugees.” U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell used the term to describe the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw tribe, a community which this year became the first to receive federal funding to relocate in its entirety from their sinking island home on the Louisiana coast.
Why East Africa’s Refugee Crises Can No Longer Be Ignored
›Citing security concerns, the government of Kenya recently announced their intent to close the world’s largest refugee complex, Dadaab, after almost 25 years. [Video Below]
Singapore and the Climate Dilemma: There’s No Way to Go it Alone
›Anyone visiting Singapore, as I did recently, quickly realizes it is exceptional. A tiny, rich, stable city-state of nearly 6 million people perched uneasily in a region of sprawling mega-countries full of poverty and instability, it also a thriving free market trading and financial center that is meticulously planned and where 80 percent of people live in public housing.
El Niño Affects Food for 80 Million, “Paradigm Shift” Needed in Disaster Risk Assessment
›A report by the European Union on global food security finds 240 million people are in food stress thanks to conflict, refugee situations, flooding, drought, and El Niño. Part of a 2012 commitment by the EU to better target the root causes of food insecurity, the report analyzes the hunger situation in 70 countries and provides deeper analysis for 20.
Global Population and Reproductive Health (Book Preview)
›Population, reproductive health, and environmental sustainability are inextricably linked. Growing populations place increasing demands on the environment, while meeting the reproductive health needs of populations usually slows their growth. Often, however, policymakers, scholars, and journalists discuss these issues separately, as if unrelated.
Hunger in Shangri-La: Causes and Consequences of Food Insecurity in the World’s Mountains
›Over the past decade, the number of undernourished people around the world has declined by around 167 million, to just under 800 million people. However, this positive trend glosses over a stark reality: Food insecurity is increasing in the world’s mountains. This pattern has been under-recognized by development experts and governments, a dangerous oversight with far-reaching social and environmental repercussions.
Peace After Paris: Addressing Climate, Conflict, and Development
›2015 was a historic year for international commitments to sustainable development, climate change action, and new kinds of peacebuilding. For governments and policymakers, now comes the difficult task of living up to those commitments. [Video Below]
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