My Body, My Voice, My Choice: Launching UNFPA’s 2021 State of World Population Report
›“As we’re talking, the bodily autonomy of millions of women and girls around the world is still denied,” said Klaus Simoni Pedersen, Acting Director of the Division of Communications and Strategic Partnerships for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at the recent U.S. launch event of the 2021 UNFPA State of the World Population report, hosted by the Wilson Center and UNFPA. The report, My Body is My Own: Claiming the Right to Autonomy and Self-Determination, examines the global status of women and girls as reflected in their agency and decision-making power.
Creating a New Normal with a New Global Public Health System
›“Ask a big enough question, and you need more than one discipline to answer it,” said modern dance legend Liz Lerman.
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that there would be no going back to normal. They knew a failure to make timely and accurate public health decisions for a pandemic would prove to be the “difference between life and death.” How correct they were.
Avoiding Crisis in Jordan’s Tenuous Water Future
›Jordan is facing a deepening, multi-faceted freshwater crisis. Climate change and population growth are exacerbating its extremely limited natural water availability and dependence on transboundary rivers and groundwater. Water-poor and functionally landlocked, Jordan serves as an archetype of a water-stressed nation.
Ensuring Essential Health Care for Mothers and Newborns During the Pandemic
›Africa in Transition // Covid-19 // Dot-Mom // Guest Contributor // March 24, 2021 // By Koki AgarwalJoyce Makasi, a young woman in Kambiti village, Kitui County, Kenya, went into labor with her second child one afternoon in December 2020. She had just enough money to hire a motorbike to take her to nearby Waita health center. At the facility, the clinical officer and nurse told her she would need a cesarean delivery. It wouldn’t be her first cesarean, but COVID-19 presented new obstacles.
Turning Applause into Action: Investing in Women Leaders in Nursing and Midwifery
›“Midwives and nurses contribute to the health of women, families, communities, and society at large, but the impact of their care goes much further… Their care is transformational,” said Diene Keita, Deputy Executive Director for Programmes at UNFPA. She spoke at a recent event hosted by Women in Global Health, which virtually convened nurses and midwives from around the world to celebrate 100 outstanding women nurse and midwife leaders from over 50 countries. The event occurred in honor of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The list of 100 leaders is the first global recognition of its kind and commemorates women’s unique stories of resilience, leadership, and hard work.
COVID-19 Adds to Challenges of Curbing Child Marriage
›When Mwanahamisi Abdallah’s mother announced plans to marry her off to a stranger, the 14-year-old Tanzanian girl burst into tears. She had no desire to marry—especially after learning the man already had three wives. Remembering advice from a teacher, she phoned authorities to intervene. They blocked the wedding and eventually delivered Mwanahamisi from her village in southeastern Lindi region to a girls’ shelter in Dar es Salaam.
The First Political Order: How Sex Shapes Governance and National Security Worldwide (Book Launch)
›“What you do to your women you do to your nation state. And so, if you decide to curse your women, we argue that you will curse your nation state as well,” said Valerie Hudson, University Distinguished Professor and Holder of the George H.W. Bush Chair at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, at the launch of The First Political Order. Co-authored by Hudson, Donna Lee Bowen, Professor Emerita at Brigham Young University, and P. Lynne Nielson, Professor of statistics at Brigham Young University, The First Political Order is the culmination of 2 decades of research on the linkages between the status of women and the status of nation-state security.
A Tale of Two Transitions: Education, Urbanization, and the U.S. Presidential Election
›Rather than delve into issue opinion polling, or assess presidential campaign strategies, political demographers assume that political change is the predictable product of a set of mutually reinforcing social, economic, and demographic transitions, which can be tracked using data. But is this true in a country like the United States that has been in the advanced stages of these development transitions for decades? If these transitions are as important as demographers believe, could their variation among the 50 states explain the outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election? If so, what could they tell us about America’s electoral future?
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