Maxine Burkett on Why “Climate Refugees” Is Incorrect – and Why It Matters
›More and more we are hearing stories about “climate refugees.” U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell used the term to describe the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw tribe, a community which this year became the first to receive federal funding to relocate in its entirety from their sinking island home on the Louisiana coast.
History’s Largest Generation Isn’t Getting the Health Care It Needs to Thrive
›At 1.8 billion strong, the current generation of 10 to 24 year olds is the largest in human history. Approximately 90 percent of these adolescents live in less developed countries. This poses an unprecedented challenge for health systems and social policies which largely struggle to meet the unique needs of young people, according to a new Lancet commission.
Africa Has the Demography for Dividends, But Will it Get the Policy Right?
›In recent years, the demographic dividend has garnered enormous traction in African policy circles, and leaders and policymakers have begun to see it as a strategy for achieving their economic growth targets.
What Makes Agriculture Vulnerable to Climate Change, and the Mortality Effects of Fruit and Vegetable Scarcity
›Gains in food production and increased awareness of global food security are threatened by looming losses due to climate change, according to a study published in The Lancet. Marco Springmann et al. calculate that climate change will lead to a 3.2 percent reduction in global food availability per person by 2050, driven by changes in weather patterns, increasing frequency of extreme weather, and potential social disruptions to food production like disease and conflict.
In Sustainable Development and Conflict Resolution, Women Seeing Larger Roles
›It used to be a luxury to talk about the environment when you were addressing conflict. Today, “we recognize it’s not a luxury anymore,” said Liz Hume, senior director for programs at the Alliance for Peacebuilding, at the Wilson Center on April 29. Similarly, gender dynamics are now being recognized as playing a critical role in sustainable development and peacebuilding. [Video Below]
Christopher Golden et al., Nature
Declining Fisheries Threaten Micronutrient Deficiencies for Millions
›June 17, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffHow will the 10 billion people expected to be living on Earth by 2050 obtain sufficient and nutritious food? This is one of the greatest challenges humanity faces. Global food systems must supply enough calories and protein for a growing human population and provide important micronutrients such as iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins.
2015 Migration Factsheet, and the Effects of Policy on Climate-Migration Trends in South America
›Climate change is expected to affect rural to urban migration and
Omar O. Chisari and Sebastian Miller, in a recently released working paper by the Inter-American Development Bank, analyze the various policy options available in two cases: domestic migration to São Paulo, and international migration from Bolivia and Paraguay to Argentina. Migration into cities will impact climate change mitigation strategies.
El Niño Affects Food for 80 Million, “Paradigm Shift” Needed in Disaster Risk Assessment
›A report by the European Union on global food security finds 240 million people are in food stress thanks to conflict, refugee situations, flooding, drought, and El Niño. Part of a 2012 commitment by the EU to better target the root causes of food insecurity, the report analyzes the hunger situation in 70 countries and provides deeper analysis for 20.
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