Climate and Human Change in Biodiversity Hotspots, and Assessing the Tradeoffs of Bolivia’s Quinoa Craze
›In a recent article published in PLOS ONE, Juliann E. Aukema, Narcisa G. Pricope, Gregory J. Husak, and David Lopez-Carr address the impacts of climate change and population growth on areas with vulnerable ecosystem services and biodiversity, and in reverse, how degraded ecosystem services effect vulnerable populations. The authors analyze locations between 50 degrees latitude north and south that had changing precipitation patterns in the past 30 years.
Taking Stock of Africa’s Political and Security Developments in 2016
›2016 was an eventful year for the continent of Africa, with important implications for U.S.-Africa relations. The Wilson Center’s Africa Program asked experts, scholars, and policymakers to weigh in on the most important and impactful events. This collection of essays reflects on those developments and their impact going forward.
Michael Kimmelman, The New York Times
Mexico City, Parched and Sinking, Faces a Water Crisis
›February 20, 2017 // By Wilson Center StaffMEXICO CITY – On bad days, you can smell the stench from a mile away, drifting over a nowhere sprawl of highways and office parks.
The Common Ground on Refugee Resettlement and Security
›President Trump seems to conceive of domestic counter-terrorism efforts as analogous to a police roadblock. Potential terrorists, like vehicles, wait in single file, pull up to the checkpoint, are evaluated, and either stopped or allowed to proceed depending on whether they pose a threat. If only our vetting can be made “extreme” enough, we can apprehend those intending us harm.
The Urban Disadvantage: Rethinking Maternal and Newborn Health Priorities
›Urbanization is changing the face of poverty and marginalization, and the maternal and newborn health field needs to change too, said a panel of experts at the Wilson Center on January 24.
Come Hell or Holy Water: India’s Fight to Save the Ganges
›February 13, 2017 // By Sreya PanugantiRevered for far more than its contribution to Indian civilization, the Ganges represents the goddess of salvation, Ganga. As a symbol of purity in Hindu mythology, the holy river is thought to cleanse believers both spiritually and physically with its waters.
In Remembrance: Hans Rosling’s Incredible Presentations on Global Development Trends
›Hans Rosling, the Swedish statistician, global health advocate, and “edutainer,” passed away this week in Uppsala, according to his foundation, Gapminder.
Torn Social Fabric: Water, Violence, and Migration in Central America
›In the first half of last year, 26,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended by U.S. law enforcement trying to cross the southern border. Most came from Central American states like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Such displacement is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of migration in the region. Many more are moving from rural to urban areas and into neighboring countries seeking opportunity and fleeing violence.
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