ECSP Weekly Watch | January 20 — 24
›A window into what we’re reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Placing Water at the Heart of Climate Action (Relief Web/Netherlands Red Cross)
It may be true that water is life. But equally true is that roughly 90% of natural disasters—and the havoc they wreak—are water-related. A recognition that these disasters are intensifying in a warming world has led the Netherlands Red Cross to create Water at the Heart of Climate Action (WHCA): a program to tackle the intertwined crises of water-related disasters and climate change.
US-Africa Energy Development: An Opportunity for the Trump Administration?
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // December 12, 2024 // By Kalim Shah & Etchu TabenyangWhile traditional fuels likely will remain part of Africa’s energy portfolio for some time to come, the fossil fuel industry does face strong headwinds from a continuing global march towards alternative sources of clean energy. Indeed, the energy poverty experienced by nearly a billion Africans seems incomprehensible given the combination of massive untapped oil and gas resources, as well as available hydropower, solar and wind potential across the continent.
Deep Seabed Mining: Will It Rise to The Surface—and Where?
›Norway recently announced that electric vehicles (EV) now outnumber gas-powered ones on its highways for the first time—and that these vehicles comprise 80 percent of its current new car sales. While internal combustion engines (ICE) will not disappear for several years, Norway’s sales of ICE-powered vehicles will end abruptly in 2025.
Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Must Not Just Be More of the Same
›China and the Global Energy Transition // China Environment Forum // Vulnerable Deltas // September 19, 2024 // By Jennifer NguyenWhile standing on the banks of the Mahakam River in Samarinda on the island of Borneo, I watched an unending parade of coal barges sail slowly down the river. I was here in East Kalimantan to give a presentation at the Vulnerable Deltas Workshop—a joint project of the East-West Center and the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum.
Mine the Tech Gap: Why China’s Rare Earth Dominance Persists
›China and the Global Energy Transition // China Environment Forum // August 29, 2024 // By Nayan SethIn 2019, at the height of the trade war with the United States, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a rare earth magnet factory in Jiangxi Province. At the time, the visit was interpreted as “muscle flexing” by China’s leader to remind Washington of its dependence on Beijing for the supply of rare earths. Rare earth elements (REEs) – a group of 17 critical metals – are indispensable components in military defense systems, consumer electronics and renewable energy technologies. Despite more than a decade of sustained efforts by Western countries and companies to loosen China’s grip, Beijing, by far remains the top player in the REE global mining, processing and refining sectors.
Going Beyond “Conflict-free”: Transition Minerals Governance in DRC and Rwanda
›Resource-rich nations such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda—which produce minerals ranging from coltan, cobalt, gold, tungsten, and tantalum, to tin (3TG)—hold tremendous importance in the global supply chains. The DRC produces 70% of global cobalt production, while its neighbor, Rwanda, generates around 30% of Tantalum.
ECSP Weekly Watch | July 15 – 19
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Shedding Light on Imperial Oil’s Dark Waters (Mongabay)
Canada has the fourth-largest tar sands (oil deposits) in the world. Separating the bitumen used in industries and construction creates large volumes of toxic wastewater, which is stored in tailings ponds that now cover a staggering 270 square kilometers. Unresolved infrastructure mishaps at one such site in Alberta operated by Imperial Oil means that contaminants have polluted nearby waters so significantly that it has affected public health and the livelihoods of indigenous communities in downstream areas.
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