Growing Role of Armed Forces in Disaster Relief a Dangerous Trend for Latin America
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Soy What? How China’s Growing Appetite is Transforming the Port of Oakland
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Lisa Palmer, The Guardian
India’s Climate Tech Revolution Is Starting in its Villages
›October 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffCamels pulling wooden carts loaded with coconuts plod down the main road amid speeding motorcycles, buses, rickshaws, and cars. Farmers sit atop slow-moving oxcarts loaded with grasses and other cattle feed. In this region of central Gujarat, India, it appears that rural life has not changed for decades.
Evaluating Aid: Water Filters in Ahmedabad Leave Poor With No Good Options
›When you shop for a new refrigerator or pair of shoes, where do you look for information about products? Do you log onto Amazon and read reviews? Check Consumer Reports for lab-verified results? Consult your neighbor or mom?
Climate Change Adaptation and Population Dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean (Report)
›Global climate trends indicate that our planet will continue warming into the next century, leading to more extreme climate conditions. The Latin America and Caribbean region is vulnerable to some of the most challenging aspects of climate change – sea-level rise, changes in precipitation, glacial melting, spreading of disease, and extreme weather events.
Migratory Labor for Extractive Industries Creating “Sons of Soil” Conflict in China
›In May 2011, two weeks before I was scheduled to start research in the region, a Mongol herder named Mergen was hit by a mining truck while protecting his pastureland in Xilingol, Inner Mongolia. He was dragged 140 feet and killed. His death sparked a month of protests.
Ken Conca, The Guardian
A Healthy Environment Is a Human Right
›October 6, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffFor all its flaws, the United Nations remains the only plausible forum for engaging broad global challenges like sustainable development. The most important environmental achievements of the past 40 years – the rise of environmental awareness, the birth of key ideas such as sustainability or the common heritage of humanity and the most important global treaties for environmental protection – all bear the UN stamp in one way or another. We could have added environmental human rights to that legacy last month, but we failed.
Climate Data Can be Critical in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States – Here’s How to Get It
›October 5, 2015 // By Schuyler NullWhen war breaks out, what happens to the weather forecast? Violent conflict disrupts many essential services in developing countries and one of the most overlooked is meteorology, which has surprisingly big consequences for farmers, policymakers, and the aid workers who are there to help.
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