The Arc | Gender, Agriculture, and Climate Change with Dr. Maureen Miruka
›In the first episode of The Arc, ECSP’s Claire Doyle and Angus Soderberg speak with Dr. Maureen Miruka about the complex relationship between gender, climate, and agriculture. Dr. Miruka, who is Director of Strategic Partnerships and Research at CARE USA, emphasizes the disproportionate impact of climate stressors on women and vulnerable populations through the lens of food systems. She also underscores the pivotal role women play as change agents in global climate mitigation and adaptation, and makes a call to broaden the scope of research in this space to include other gender minorities.
Shining a Light on China’s Hidden Waste Workers
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // Vulnerable Deltas // November 9, 2023 // By Guo Chen, Liwen Chen & Jia FengThe untold stories about waste are about invisible and vulnerable waste workers. China is no exception. The millions of Chinese migrant waste workers who recover 20% of the country’s urban waste are ignored. Chinese policymakers need to integrate migrant waste workers, their knowledge, and social justice issues into the country’s waste management future. -
The Next Feminist Wave: Heat
›The summer of 2023 featured some of the hottest days ever recorded. Feminists should be alarmed.
Climate change may not seem like a feminist issue on its face. A warming planet poses a cross-cutting and common threat. But the perception that climate impacts result in uniform harm produces partial solutions that neglect the world’s most vulnerable populations. This alone makes environmental justice a gender justice issue as well.
Recognizing the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
›In 2001, the UN General Assembly declared November 6 the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict. In the 22 years since, both the impact of the exploitation of the environment during war—and the centrality of natural resources in establishing peace—have gained greater global recognition.
Introducing “The Arc”
›On today’s episode of New Security Broadcast, ECSP is launching a new series called The Arc, focused on the connections between climate change, equity, justice, and identity. We will cover a wide range of topics – from food and water systems to the energy transition, migration, and climate finance – and talk with practitioners, advocates, professors, and community leaders to discover where these topics intersect with issues related to climate impacts and justice.
ECSP Weekly Watch | October 2 – 6
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
A Warming World is Accelerating the Spread of Dengue
Dengue is now endemic in most Latin American countries. But scientists warn that a warming climate is increasing the pace of breeding and transmission of dengue-carrying mosquitoes, and bring them into new countries.
Q&A: Peter Schwartzstein on Conflict & Climate in Libya
›In the wake of Storm Daniel, which hit Libya in September 2023, ECSP spoke with Wilson Center Global Fellow Peter Schwartzstein about the storm’s tragic fallout and its connection to conflict. As an environmental journalist and consultant, Schwartzstein has written extensively about the climate-conflict nexus and other environmental and geopolitical issues, primarily in the Middle East, North and East Africa.
ECSP Weekly Watch | September 11 – 15
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Treading Water: Why Were Libya’s Floods So Devastating?
This week’s devastating disasters in Morocco and Libya underscore the cascading effects of environmental shocks (and in the case of Libya, climate-related shocks), as well as the cross-sectoral response needed to comprehensively address the damage.
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