The Arc | Dr. Yvonne Su on Climate Migration, Equity, and Policy
›In today’s episode of The Arc, ECSP’s Claire Doyle and Angus Soderberg interview Dr. Yvonne Su, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Equity Studies at York University in Toronto. Dr. Su challenges oversimplified portrayals of displacement by drawing out how socioeconomic status, identity, and timeframes shape experiences of migration. She also stresses the importance of involving marginalized communities in policy consultations and draws attention to local grassroots organizations as pivotal players in addressing the challenges of climate migration.
The Arc | Dr. Robert McLeman on Climate Migration, Equity, and Policy
›In today’s episode of The Arc, ECSP Director Lauren Risi interviews Dr. Robert McLeman, a professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Toronto. Dr. McLeman unpacks how climate change interacts with social, economic, and political conditions in ways that lead some communities more vulnerable to climate-related displacement than others. He also shares insights into how we can better promote safe, dignified, and just migration in the context of climate change and how justice and equity considerations are being incorporated into climate migration policy.
Relief, Recovery, and Peace: Peter Schwartzstein on COP28’s New Theme
›In today’s “Relief, Recovery, and Peace” episode on New Security Broadcast, we’re featuring an interview recorded by the Wilson Center’s Middle East Program (MEP) with Peter Schwartzstein, a Wilson Center Global Fellow and environmental journalist. In a conversation with MEP director, Merissa Khurma, Schwartzstein discusses the impact of the war in Gaza on COP28 and environmental peacebuilding efforts more broadly in the region. He also talks about how to advance the new theme of peace in COP discussions and what his hopes are for a best-case scenario coming out of the upcoming summit.
ECSP Weekly Watch | November 13 – 17
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
A Fifth National Climate Assessment
The US Global Change Research Program launched the fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA) on Monday, November 13. Published once every five years, the NCA is the United States’ leading report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses.
Relief, Recovery, and Peace: David Nicholson on COP28’s New Theme
›In a new mini-series previewing the upcoming UN Climate Summit (COP28)’s new focus on relief, recovery, & peace, ECSP Program Director Lauren Risi spoke with David Nicholson, Director of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Technical Support Unit at Mercy Corps.
Nicholson described his role in ensuring that climate change is at the center of Mercy Corps’ wide-ranging and successful global humanitarian aid programs in 42 countries—and the importance of having local staff to make interventions a true partnership. He also talks about climate finance, and his hopes that COP28’s theme of “relief, recovery and peace” will advance the view that peacemaking is essential to adaptation efforts.
The Arc | Gender, Agriculture, and Climate Change with Dr. Maureen Miruka
›In the first episode of The Arc, ECSP’s Claire Doyle and Angus Soderberg speak with Dr. Maureen Miruka about the complex relationship between gender, climate, and agriculture. Dr. Miruka, who is Director of Strategic Partnerships and Research at CARE USA, emphasizes the disproportionate impact of climate stressors on women and vulnerable populations through the lens of food systems. She also underscores the pivotal role women play as change agents in global climate mitigation and adaptation, and makes a call to broaden the scope of research in this space to include other gender minorities.
Shining a Light on China’s Hidden Waste Workers
›China Environment Forum // Guest Contributor // Vulnerable Deltas // November 9, 2023 // By Guo Chen, Liwen Chen & Jia FengThe untold stories about waste are about invisible and vulnerable waste workers. China is no exception. The millions of Chinese migrant waste workers who recover 20% of the country’s urban waste are ignored. Chinese policymakers need to integrate migrant waste workers, their knowledge, and social justice issues into the country’s waste management future. -
The Next Feminist Wave: Heat
›The summer of 2023 featured some of the hottest days ever recorded. Feminists should be alarmed.
Climate change may not seem like a feminist issue on its face. A warming planet poses a cross-cutting and common threat. But the perception that climate impacts result in uniform harm produces partial solutions that neglect the world’s most vulnerable populations. This alone makes environmental justice a gender justice issue as well.
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