Singapore and the Climate Dilemma: There’s No Way to Go it Alone
›Anyone visiting Singapore, as I did recently, quickly realizes it is exceptional. A tiny, rich, stable city-state of nearly 6 million people perched uneasily in a region of sprawling mega-countries full of poverty and instability, it also a thriving free market trading and financial center that is meticulously planned and where 80 percent of people live in public housing.
Paris Was a Success, But the Climate-Security Response Is Lagging, Says Nick Mabey
›In the months leading up to the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris last fall, expectations were high. And the result actually exceeded those expectations in many respects, says Nick Mabey, director and chief executive at the environment consultancy E3G, in this week’s podcast.
The Case for a Caribbean Carbon Market
›In an effort to scale-up climate change mitigation, the largest private sector engagement in the history of the United Nations was drafted to fund clean technology projects in developing countries. Carbon credits were to offset pollution in developed nations and pay for clean energy projects in developing countries. But many developed countries, including the United States, spurned the agreement, preferring to manage greenhouse gas emissions internally and build or retrofit infrastructure in ways that directly benefited their economies. The ambitions of the Kyoto Protocol, which went into effect in 2005, were subsequently stranded and then scrapped.
Should the UN Security Council Take Up Climate Security Issues? Ken Conca on Institutional Change
›As the dust settles on the newly minted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris climate agreement, countries have begun tackling operational questions aimed at limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius and ensuring peaceful, sustainable development.
Corruption, Climate Change, and Vulnerability in Small-Island States
›As international funding to support environmental management and development increases, the danger of associated corruption grows and requires greater attention. Small-island developing states (SIDS), greatly exposed to the damage caused by climate change, are particularly vulnerable. These small, trailblazing countries in the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean are making progress in addressing climate threats, but will need international support and local commitment regarding rule of law and corruption in the climate sector as they try to prevent the worst effects of climate change and find a sustainable way to develop.
Lisa Palmer, Yale Environment 360
New Explanation for Bee Die-Offs and What It Means for Human and Environmental Health
›May 12, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffSpecimens of goldenrod sewn into archival paper folders are stacked floor to ceiling inside metal cabinets at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. The collection, housed in the herbarium, dates back to 1842 and is among five million historical records of plants from around the world cataloged there. Researchers turned to this collection of goldenrod – a widely distributed perennial plant that blooms across North America from summer to late fall – to study concentrations of protein in goldenrod pollen because it is a key late-season food source for bees.
Why Do Land Grabs Happen? Because They Can
›May 9, 2016 // By Michael KugelmanIn January, over the objections of indigenous groups that live there, the government of Ecuador sold oil exploration rights to 500,000 acres of the Amazon to a consortium of Chinese companies. Whenever we hear about stories like this, there is a tendency to think: How can this happen? How can obscenely rich investors run roughshod over the land, livelihoods, and rights of impoverished local communities, and with utterly no consequences?
Water Is the Climate Challenge, Says World Bank
›May 6, 2016 // By Schuyler NullHow will climate change affect you? Probably through water.
That’s the major message of a new World Bank report that finds the ways governments treat water can have a profound effect on the economy.
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