To Build Resilience Through Development, Learn From Population, Health, and Environment Programs
›May 19, 2014 // By Laurie MazurIn an era defined by climate change and other disruptions, “resilience” – the capacity to survive and thrive in times of crisis and change – is increasingly essential.
Not There Yet: Burma’s Fragile Ecosystems Show Challenges for Continued Progress
›Political and economic changes in Burma have been as rapid as they are surprising. In just three years, the country has gone from an isolated military dictatorship to a largely open country that is at least semi-democratic and has formally adopted a market economy. Both the European Union and the United States have eased economic sanctions, and dozens of foreign firms have moved in. Foreign direct investment increased by 160 percent in 2013 alone.
Forests on Film: New Stories From Nepal and the Congo Basin
›Given growing awareness about environmental change and how it affects human life, it is perhaps not surprising there is also a growing audience for environmental filmmaking. At the 2014 Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital on March 25, the Wilson Center premiered ECSP’s latest documentary, Scaling the Mountain: Protecting Forests for Families in Nepal. Together with Heart of Iron, a recent film on mining in the Congo Basin, the event took viewers into some of the world’s most remote forests to see how their inhabitants are adapting to rapid changes in the natural resources on which they depend.
A New Dimension to Geopolitics: Geoff Dabelko on the Latest IPCC Report
›“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an attempt to get an international group of scientists together to assess what we know about climate change,” says Geoff Dabelko in an interview with the Wilson Center’s Context program. “That is not a quick process.”
Nick Snow, Oil and Gas Journal
Analyst Urges Broader Look at Amazon Oil’s Local Impacts
›March 27, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffIncreasingly disruptive protests are likely if oil, gas, and mining companies and national governments don’t pay closer attention to indigenous populations’ needs as Western Amazon basin resources are developed, an expert warned.
In Nepal, Integrating Forest and Family Health Is Improving Lives
›March 24, 2014 // By Sean PeoplesFor years, the Chepang people have lived off the land in Nepal’s forested central foothills. Communities cleared trees to start small subsistence farms, harvested the surrounding area for firewood, and eventually moved on after the wood, soil, and water were depleted.
After Chance Meeting, New Population, Health, and Environment Program Is Born in Madagascar
›Against the stunning backdrop of Marojejy National Park, I recently crossed paths with a conservationist from a very different background, working on the opposite side of Madagascar. But, it turns out, the communities we work with face many of the same challenges, and our meeting spawned a new population, health, and environment (PHE) program.
Geoff Dabelko, Ensia
The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral: Barriers to Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Development
›February 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffWhat do melting Himalayan glaciers have to do with food security in Cambodia? Not much, thought an aid practitioner trying to boost food security along the lower reaches of the Mekong River – until she heard a colleague working on the Tibetan Plateau describe the downstream implications of climate change in the Himalayas. Everything she was working on, she suddenly realized, could be literally washed away.
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