Julia McQuaid on the Complex Link Between Water and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa
›Does global water stress matter for U.S. national security, and if so, how? That’s a major focus of the next CNA Military Advisory Board report, says Julia McQuaid of the CNA Corporation in this week’s podcast. She talks about the preliminary findings of the report and how the national security community views water.
A Chronic Crisis, Now Acute: WWF’s Recommendations for the First U.S. Global Water Strategy
›The intelligence community’s landmark Global Water Security assessment in 2012, warned of major water-driven challenges to U.S. national security. The combined assessment of several intelligence agencies foresaw many challenges to U.S. policy objectives and national security arising from protracted drought, declining water quality, and more natural disasters in countries important to U.S. interests. The intelligence community further warned of rising social instability, cross-border tensions, and a steady drain of resources away from other development objectives. These warnings have proven prescient.
Pakistan’s Unheralded Fight Against Climate Change
›In recent months, the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) has been in the headlines – and for all the wrong reasons.
A Journalists’ Guide to Energy and the Environment in 2017
›“Turbulent and possibly revolutionary times are ahead for U.S. energy and environmental policy,” said Bobby Magill, a senior science writer at Climate Central, at the Wilson Center on February 3. “If there’s one message the Trump Administration is sending about environmental and climate regulations, it’s this: The future will not look like the past.”
Sharon Guynup, Mongabay
Axing “Conflict Minerals” Rule Also Threatens DRC’s Endangered Grauer Gorillas
›March 2, 2017 // By Wilson Center Staff -
The Common Ground on Refugee Resettlement and Security
›President Trump seems to conceive of domestic counter-terrorism efforts as analogous to a police roadblock. Potential terrorists, like vehicles, wait in single file, pull up to the checkpoint, are evaluated, and either stopped or allowed to proceed depending on whether they pose a threat. If only our vetting can be made “extreme” enough, we can apprehend those intending us harm.
Sherri Goodman: Incorporate Climate Risks into Diplomacy, Development, and Defense
›“We are seeing floods, droughts, extreme weather events, migration of people across borders, as well as sea-level rise, and we are going to see increasing challenges,” says Wilson Center Senior Fellow Sherri Goodman in an interview with the German think tank, adelphi.
Backdraft Episode #2: Stacy VanDeveer on the New Energy Economy and the Fate of Petro States
›A “green economy,” an energy sector composed entirely of renewables, is the goal of many. But we haven’t thought out the full implications of that change, says Stacy VanDeveer, professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston, in this week’s “Backdraft” podcast.
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