Disasters in Armed Conflict Zones: Silver Linings or Total Devastation?
›When catastrophic floods struck civil war-ridden Libya in the late summer of 2023, the catastrophe caused over 10,000 deaths and wreaked immense destruction throughout the nation’s northeastern regions. But because none of the warring factions were in full control of the country and international responders were concerned about being caught in the crossfire, relief efforts were delayed and limited. This confluence of factors amplified human suffering, particularly in Libya’s remote and worst-affected areas.
Q&A: Peter Schwartzstein on Conflict & Climate in Libya
›In the wake of Storm Daniel, which hit Libya in September 2023, ECSP spoke with Wilson Center Global Fellow Peter Schwartzstein about the storm’s tragic fallout and its connection to conflict. As an environmental journalist and consultant, Schwartzstein has written extensively about the climate-conflict nexus and other environmental and geopolitical issues, primarily in the Middle East, North and East Africa.
ECSP Weekly Watch | September 18 – 22
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Converging Crises: Pakistan Flood Victims Face Rising Hunger
According to FAO, Pakistan ranks among the top-ten world producers of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, and mango—and it is the 10th largest producer of rice. But Pakistan is also atop another world ranking: vulnerability to the impacts of global warming.
ECSP Weekly Watch | September 4 – 8
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Peace and Prosperity in the Sahel: Climate Security is Key
Liptako-Gourma is a landlocked region located on the borders of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. It possesses significant mineral, water, and biodiversity resources, and strategically positioned for both economic opportunities and cultural exchange.
ECSP Weekly Watch | August 21 – 25
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Deforestation Dynamics in Colombia: The Role of Armed Groups
A 29% drop in deforestation in Colombia in 2022 was labeled as a victory for President Gustavo Petro. Yet there is another reason behind the decrease. Armed groups, such as the Estado Mayor Central (EMC), have imposed logging bans in areas under their control, and levy fines amounting to 251 dollars per hectare.
El Niño and Militarized Fisheries Disputes in the East and South China Seas
›Earlier this summer, the Armed Forces of the Philippines spotted dozens of Chinese fishing vessels in—or very near to—the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. This influx occurred just weeks after the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced, “El Niño is here.”
ECSP Weekly Watch | August 14 – 18
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Thirst for Relief: Prolonged Drought Intensifies Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Crisis
Afghanistan is the world’s sixth most affected country by climate-related threats—and its present acute challenge is water scarcity, intensified by climate change. The country is heavily reliant on agriculture, which makes up a third of its GDP.
ECSP Weekly Watch | July 24 – 28
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Fixing the World’s Broken Food Systems
The United Nations summit on the state of the world’s food systems took place in Rome, Italy, this week, building on the work of a previous convening in 2021. The meeting focused on the environmental impact of agriculture and making food production more sustainable.
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