For Environmental Peacebuilding and Development Work, Collaboration Pays Dividends
›Many recurring problems in natural resource management are the result of missing a key point: ecosystems and human systems are inextricably linked and dynamic, changing constantly. We are part of a socio-ecological system, not external to it, as many previously thought. In the “age of man” – the Anthropocene, as some scientists call the current era – cross-sectoral collaboration is needed to make substantial headway in tackling complex challenges, such as natural resource-related conflict and climate change.
Geoff Dabelko, Ensia
The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral: Barriers to Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Development
›February 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffWhat do melting Himalayan glaciers have to do with food security in Cambodia? Not much, thought an aid practitioner trying to boost food security along the lower reaches of the Mekong River – until she heard a colleague working on the Tibetan Plateau describe the downstream implications of climate change in the Himalayas. Everything she was working on, she suddenly realized, could be literally washed away.
Opportunity Amidst Conflict: Margie Buchanan-Smith on Long-Distance Trade and Peace-Building in Darfur
›Trade is “the lifeblood of Darfur’s economy,” says Margie Buchanan-Smith in this week’s podcast.
Buchanan-Smith, a visiting fellow at Tuft University’s Feinstein International Center and the lead author of a recent study on livestock trade in Sudan, presented at the Wilson Center in November about the Feinstein Center’s collaboration with the UN Environment Program studying pastoralism in Sudan during the last decade of conflict.
Natural Gas and Albacore: What Tuna Says About the Future of Mozambique
›January 13, 2014 // By Laura HensonA 20-year peace accord between Mozambique’s two major political parties was brought to an abrupt end last fall. A series of violent skirmishes between FRELIMO and RENAMO resulted in at least 10 deaths, dozens injured, and fears that the country might relapse into the kind of political violence seen during its civil war, which left more than a million dead. RENAMO claims its frustrations stem from a fraudulent electoral system and social inequality, but some observers have suggested their motivations may be less benevolent: making sure they get their piece of the country’s newfound natural gas wealth.
New Sudan Study Has Researchers Re-Thinking Risks and Resilience of Pastoralism
›Sudan’s pastoralists gained infamy during the conflict in Darfur last decade, when outsiders described the violence as a result of competition between climate-stressed, semi-nomadic herders and sedentary farmers. But Sudan’s pastoralists may not be as fragile as previously thought and could even hold the key to survival for similar groups in Africa, said a panel of experts at the Wilson Center on November 13. [Video Below]
Bringing Natural Resources to the Table: ELI, UNEP Launch New Environmental Peacebuilding Platform
›To date, despite their demonstrated importance in both conflict recovery and the risk of conflict recurrence, natural resources have been largely ignored or downplayed in post-conflict settings around the world.
Roger-Mark De Souza on Illuminating the Connections Between Population Dynamics, Resilience, Conflict
›“When you look at the resiliency literature, there’s very often discussion around population and population dynamics, but no one ever knows what to do with it,” says ECSP Director Roger-Mark De Souza in this week’s podcast.
Jacqueline H. Wilson, U.S. Institute of Peace
Can Aquifer Discovery in Kenya Bring Peace to Desolate Region?
›October 28, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe people of northern Kenya currently face many daily hardships. Primarily pastoralists by livelihood, their cycle of life focuses on the basics – securing food and water for family and livestock, constructing shelter from the unforgiving sun, and finding sustenance when periodic droughts ravage the region. A 2011 drought affected millions of people, and tens of thousands of livestock died. Approximately 90 percent of the area’s population lives below the poverty line.
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