‘Dialogue’ Interviews Caryle Murphy & John Sullivan: Saudi Arabia’s Demography & 2013’s Big Environment Stories
›Dialogue at the Wilson Center tackled demography and the environment last week, interviewing Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former Wilson Center public policy scholar Caryle Murphy about her new book, A Kingdom’s Future: Saudi Arabia Through the Eyes of Its Twentysomethings, followed by John Sullivan, director of the Environment and Health and Safety News Division for Bloomberg BNA, on the most important energy and environmental issues of 2013.
Breaking Out of the Green House: Indian Leadership in Times of Environmental Change (Book Preview)
›The 2009 Copenhagen summit was a watershed moment in the history of climate change negotiations, especially from an Indian perspective. Brazil, South Africa, India, and China – the “BASIC” group – asserted their position, which led to a virtual collapse in talks, ostensibly marking the ascent of the global “south” and relative descent of the “north.”
Goldilocks Had It Right: How to Build Resilient Societies in the 21st Century
›March 5, 2013 // By Laurie MazurWhen Superstorm Sandy slammed into the U.S. East Coast last October, it was the latest in a series of “teachable moments” about our growing vulnerability to climate change.
Mapping China’s Massive West-East Electricity Transfer Project [Infographic]
›The Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum is proud to announce that we are launching our first interactive infographic: a map of China’s West-East Electricity Transfer Project. The map underscores China’s energy and water imbalances and the looming choke point China faces in terms of water, food, and energy security. The map also illustrates how consumer goods made in China’s factories along its eastern coast are powered by coal and hydropower in the country’s western provinces.
Peter Thomson on the Big International Environment and Energy Stories of 2013
›Increasing energy demands around the world will mean a continuing focus on other fuel sources and climate change, said Peter Thomson of PRI’s The World, including the use of coal in countries like China and the safety of hydraulic fracturing and nuclear power. Other areas to watch include water, agriculture, and possible tipping points like dieback in the Amazon rainforest.
Environmental Journalists Discuss the Year Ahead in Energy and Environment News
›Environmental desks at newspapers around the world may be on the defensive, but the stories are only getting bigger. On January 25, six environmental journalists from Bloomberg, EnergyWire, Public Radio International, the Associated Press, and the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media gathered at the Wilson Center for a panel cosponsored by the Environmental Change and Security Program and the Society of Environmental Journalists to discuss what to watch for in the coming year, from President’s Obama’s mention of climate change in his inaugural address to the prospects of shale gas and the Keystone XL pipeline. [Video Below]
John Sullivan on the Year Ahead in Energy and Environment News
›Bloomberg BNA‘s Director of Environmental News John Sullivan gives an overview of the key legislative, regulatory, and legal developments expected in 2013, including the Keystone XL pipeline, the future for coal-fired power plants, and the potential actions that may be taken by Congress, the White House, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
When Does Oil Cause War? Petro-Aggression and Revolutionary Governments
›One year ago, the United States government froze all property of the Central Bank of Iran and other Iranian financial institutions within the United States. The move was part of a broader effort to compel the Islamic Republic to give up its alleged nuclear weapons program. How is it working out?
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