Chris Berdnik, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
Density Breeds Scarcity on Cambodia’s Lake Tonle Sap
›March 10, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Chris Berdnik, appeared on the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
I meet Keo Mao, 42, in the floating fishing village of Akol on Cambodia’s Lake Tonle Sap. The houses here move seasonally with the lake, which expands by a factor of five during the monsoon rains and recedes again in the dry months. Fish supply about 80 percent of the animal protein eaten by Cambodians, and about 60 percent of the inland catch comes from the Tonle Sap.
20 Years After Doomsday Predictions, China Is Feeding Itself, But Global Impacts Remain Unclear
›How has China managed to feed nearly one-quarter of the world’s population with only seven percent of the world’s arable land?
In 1995, Lester Brown forecasted doom and gloom for China’s ability to produce enough grain for its people, in his popular book, Who Will Feed China? He hypothesized that China would be forced to buy grain from abroad, thereby seriously disrupting world food markets.
Nat Geo’s Dennis Dimick on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus, Coal, and the Year Ahead
›How clean can coal be? What is the future of food security in water-deprived regions, and how will that affect national security? Dennis Dimick, National Geographic Magazine’s executive editor for the environment, discusses some of the most pressing global environmental problems in this week’s podcast.
Andrew Revkin: Local Population Dynamics Crucial to Understanding Climate Vulnerability
›February 10, 2014 // By Schuyler Null“What’s become clear to me on population is that it’s really a local issue,” said Andrew Revkin in an interview at the Wilson Center. “You get the impression, ‘Oh didn’t we solve that problem?’” And to some extent, demographic shifts around the world are largely heading in the direction people anticipated, with a leveling off mid-century. But “no one really knows what happens then,” he said. “All it takes is a tiny diversion of fertility rates and things could really grow or shrink.”
State of the Oceans 2013: Acidification, Overfishing Major Threats to Ecosystem Health
›“The rate of speed of change in the global oceans are greater than [that] of any time in known history,” said Karen Sack of the Pew Charitable Trusts, speaking at the Wilson Center on November 13. She was joined by Paul Schopf, professor of oceanography and associate dean for research and computing at George Mason University, and Libby Jewett, director of the Ocean Acidification Programs at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to discuss the latest State of the Ocean Report. [Video Below]
Can China Solve Its Water-Energy Choke Point? Wilson Center Launches ‘China Environment Series 12’
›Factories in China’s Pearl River Delta tick-tock around the clock, rapidly churning out gadgets from iPhones and Barbie dolls to forks and light bulbs, shipped off to village shops in Uganda and super Walmarts in America’s sprawling suburbs. But far from the global consumer’s view, manufacturing and rapid development are placing unrelenting pressure on China’s environment.
Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability (Book Launch)
›Following a surge in global food prices in 2008 and again in 2011, policymakers and scholars have paid increased attention to the intersection of food security and political volatility. [Video Below]
Torrent of Water and Questions Pour From India’s Himalayas
›We made the crossing at night from Chamoli, reaching Okund, a Himalayan foothill town after dark. The innkeeper, anxious for guests in a travel economy that came to a standstill in mid-June, cooked dal and nan bread for dinner and then showed us to a room that was unlit and unheated.
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