A Matter of Perspective: Astronaut Susan Helms on Seeing Humanity’s Impact From Space
›Susan Helms is a former NASA astronaut and retired member of the United States Air Force. During her time in the military, Helms flew over 30 different types of aircraft and received four Legion of Merit awards and three Defense Superior Service medals. She also holds the record for longest space walk and spent over 5,000 hours in space. She retired in 2014 with the rank of lieutenant general and now serves on the Wilson Center Board of Trustees. What did she learn over the course of such a distinguished career, much of it spent miles above the ground?
What Next? Climate Mitigation After Paris
›The Paris Climate Agreement sets forth a bold goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, keep global temperature rise below 2.0 degrees Celsius, and employ best efforts toward no more than 1.5 degrees of warming. It also sets forth a new set of rules to achieve these goals. [Video Below]
Christopher Golden et al., Nature
Declining Fisheries Threaten Micronutrient Deficiencies for Millions
›June 17, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffHow will the 10 billion people expected to be living on Earth by 2050 obtain sufficient and nutritious food? This is one of the greatest challenges humanity faces. Global food systems must supply enough calories and protein for a growing human population and provide important micronutrients such as iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins.
Global Population and Reproductive Health (Book Preview)
›Population, reproductive health, and environmental sustainability are inextricably linked. Growing populations place increasing demands on the environment, while meeting the reproductive health needs of populations usually slows their growth. Often, however, policymakers, scholars, and journalists discuss these issues separately, as if unrelated.
The Future of the Sustainable Development Goals
›“As we go forward, we will discover that 2015 was when we really started getting serious about transdisciplinary challenges inherent in sustainable development,” said Melinda Kimble, senior vice president for programs at the UN Foundation, at the Wilson Center on April 13. [Video Below]
Russell Sticklor, Global Waters
How One Philippine City Is Preparing for a Water-Scarce Future
›May 10, 2016 // By Wilson Center StaffSurrounded by water, the Philippines is especially vulnerable to climate change. Its islands and its people are enduring increasingly unpredictable rains, intensifying cycles of flood and drought, and strengthening storms forming in the Pacific. These changing weather patterns have not only derailed livelihoods and agricultural productivity in rural areas, they have also worsened water insecurity in cities, where 45 percent of the population live.
Water Is the Climate Challenge, Says World Bank
›May 6, 2016 // By Schuyler NullHow will climate change affect you? Probably through water.
That’s the major message of a new World Bank report that finds the ways governments treat water can have a profound effect on the economy.
Can Citizen Science Help Small Communities Combat Big Fishing Fleets?
›This Earth Day weekend, the U.S. Department of State is hosting more than 2,000 coders in more than 40 cities to encourage creative thinking about technological solutions to ocean issues. The third annual Fishackathon could produce new tools for local communities to track long-distance fishing, a growing problem in some places, as China, in particular, scales up its efforts.
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