From One Generation to the Next: New Wilson Center Film Explores Integrated Development in Ethiopia
›June 17, 2015 // By Sean PeoplesOn a warm January afternoon, Tesema Merga, a village elder in Endibir, Ethiopia, surveyed the latest improvements to the long dirt road just outside his house. Eventually this road will be paved, which will bring significant changes to the community.
Do Population, Health, and Environment Projects Work? A Review of the Evidence
›Frequent readers of New Security Beat are no strangers to the PHE approach to development – projects, often community-based, that integrate population, health, and environmental programming in a single intervention. Practitioners suggest that such integrated programming is more effective and efficient than running simultaneous siloed projects, each focusing on a narrower objective. But does the evidence support this conclusion? How effective is the PHE approach?
Is Wildlife Trafficking a National Security Threat?
›Trafficking of illegal wildlife goods is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative illicit businesses in the world. With growing demand in Asia, an industry that was once fed by isolated, small-scale poaching incidents is now run by well-organized, transnational criminal networks, similar to narcotics and guns. The Obama administration labeled wildlife trafficking as a national priority in 2013 and released a National Strategy for Combatting Wildlife Trafficking in 2014. A detailed implementation plan for the strategy followed this year, identifying key steps and implementing agencies to help end trafficking in the United States and abroad.
Adaptation, Resistance, or Subversion: How Will Water Politics Be Affected by Climate Change?
›One of the primary ways climate change is expected to affect international relations is through water. There are more than 270 bodies of water that cross over international boundaries, and various methodologies have identified several dozen that are particularly at risk for tension or conflict. So how is climate change affecting transboundary water politics? Are governments and institutions taking the threat seriously? A few years back, a group of researchers decided to focus on this question.
The Environmental Democracy Index: Ranking Access to Information and Justice
›June 2, 2015 // By Carley ChavaraConventional wisdom has been that wealthier countries have better environmental protections than poorer countries. However, a new annual report launched this year, the Environmental Democracy Index, reveals that a strong economy does not necessarily ensure strong environmental rights.
Saplings and Contraceptives: Results From a Population, Health, and Environment Project in Kenya
›East African countries like Kenya have made great strides in recent decades in increasing access to modern contraception, leading to marked declines in fertility rates. But disparities remain.
A Call for More Intention, Consistency, and Foresight in an Interconnected World
›April 22, 2015 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaGlobal trends, from climate change and population dynamics to food, water, and energy scarcity, threaten to complicate global security, diplomatic efforts, and development policy. In the United States we are increasingly responding to these trends, rather than anticipating and planning for them.
Wilson Center and USAID Launch “Resilience for Peace Project”
›As “resilience” builds as a theme for the development community, a few key concepts are rising to the top of the conversation. [Video Below]
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