How to Create a New Climate for Peace: Preventing Climate Change From Exacerbating Conflict and Fragility
›June 19, 2015 // By Lauren Herzer RisiWhen the leaders of the G7 countries – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States – met earlier this month, they agreed to make fossil fuels a thing of the past by 2100. At the same time the G7 is also taking steps to make climate change’s connection to conflict a priority in the present.
“No Precedent in Human History”: Ruth Greenspan Bell on Why Climate Change Demands More Than the UNFCCC
›The stakes are high for the UN climate conference in Paris later this year, so high in fact, some scholars feel it’s foolish to be putting all our eggs in one basket.
European Parliament Passes Conflict-Minerals Bill; UN Releases Report on Money Flows in DRC
›A new report prepared by the UN Environment Program and UN peacekeeping operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (known as MONUSCO) found that just two percent of the total value of illicit natural resources smuggled from the country comes back to armed groups. Still, these funds, which amount to around $13 million a year, allow some 25 to 49 groups to continue operating in the country’s war-torn eastern provinces. Much more, as much as 50 percent, ends up in the hands of transnational criminal networks with the remaining profits flowing to individuals or companies elsewhere in the DRC or in Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.
“Climate Change Makes the World More Violent”: How One IPCC Author Would Rewrite His Chapter
›With thousands of scientists representing 195 countries working for more than a quarter of a century, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the world’s leading authority on of assessing climate change and its potential socio-economic impacts. However, Marc Levy, an IPCC lead author and deputy director of Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science Information Network, says he’d have gone further in connecting climate change to conflict in their latest report if it were up to him.
Codi Yeager-Kozacek, Circle of Blue
Middle East Conflicts Jeopardize Water for Millions
›June 15, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffMillions of people across the Middle East face drought, scarce drinking water supplies, and poor sanitation due to civil wars and conflict. Meanwhile, resource constraints and foreign military interventions risk more severe humanitarian disasters.
Alice Thomas: Climate Change Effects and Responses Profoundly Undermine Human Rights
›After Typhoon Haiyan ripped across the Philippines in 2014 leveling nearly every building in sight, 4 million people – mostly poor and from coastal regions – were displaced. In response, the government set up “no build” zones in vulnerable areas and worked to move people to new land. But many of the newly relocated people discovered this land came with no access to water, electricity, or other services.
Is Wildlife Trafficking a National Security Threat?
›Trafficking of illegal wildlife goods is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative illicit businesses in the world. With growing demand in Asia, an industry that was once fed by isolated, small-scale poaching incidents is now run by well-organized, transnational criminal networks, similar to narcotics and guns. The Obama administration labeled wildlife trafficking as a national priority in 2013 and released a National Strategy for Combatting Wildlife Trafficking in 2014. A detailed implementation plan for the strategy followed this year, identifying key steps and implementing agencies to help end trafficking in the United States and abroad.
The Sahel Beyond the Headlines: Underlying Demographic, Environmental Trends Erode Resilience
›Between the Sahara to the north and savanna to the south lies the semi-arid Sahel, a region stretching from Senegal to Sudan that has experienced desperate poverty, climate change, malnutrition, and violence. While every context is different, the Sahelian countries share some common challenges, including a pattern of recurring crises and fluid borders. Boko Haram’s reign of terror in northern Nigeria and Mali’s coup have both had cross-border components. [Video Below]
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