New Security Broadcast | The Link Between Food Insecurity and Conflict: A New Report from World Food Program USA
›To better understand the complex dynamics of global hunger and the urgent need for more collective action to address this humanitarian crisis, Chase Sova, Senior Director of Public Policy and Research at World Food Program USA, and his colleagues recently launched a new report, “Dangerously Hungry.” In today’s episode of New Security Broadcast, ECSP Program Coordinator and Communications Specialist, Abegail Anderson, speaks with Sova about the report’s analysis on the current state of global hunger and its devastating impacts on vulnerable populations.
Addressing Climate Security Risks in Central America (Report Launch)
›Northern Central America is experiencing a confluence of insecurity and migration challenges that are increasingly intertwined with climate change. What are the contours of this emergent convergence—and how can responses be developed and implemented more effectively?
New Security Broadcast | Ecoaction’s Kostiantyn Krynytskyi on Securing Ukraine’s Energy Future
›Since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Kostiantyn Krynytskyi, Head of Energy at Ecoaction, and his colleagues, have been tracking the ongoing environmental damage caused by Russia’s aggression. In today’s episode of New Security Broadcast, ECSP Director Lauren Risi speaks with Krynytskyi to discuss how Ecoaction, the largest environmental NGO in Ukraine, is mapping out the environmental destruction caused by the war and working to develop a green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Krynytskyi shares how the war has impacted Ecoaction’s priorities and shifted its approach to address short-term energy needs in Ukraine while safeguarding a secure and sustainable energy future.
Pushing Back the Pushback: Addressing the Complexities of Gender and Migration
›“We must unite our efforts to push back the pushback,” said Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, at a recent side event during the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67). Humanitarian crises and forced displacement increase pushback against women’s and girl’s human rights and safety. Jakobsdóttir called for global efforts to recognize this inequity and to fight for gender equality in humanitarian responses.
Women and Art at a Time of War: Acknowledging Ukrainian Women
›“War is central to history. History has been written (and painted) by men. This exhibition provides a platform for women narrators of history and also examines gendered perspectives of war,” said art curator Monika Fabijanska, referring to the exhibit “Women at War” she recently put together, which was on display at the Stanford in Washington Art Gallery from January through March 2023.
USAID’s Revised Water and Conflict Toolkit
›Links between water and conflict seem to crop up everywhere one looks these days. The Horn of Africa will soon face a sixth consecutive failed rainy season in 2023—its worst drought on record. Not only is this drought a consequence of global climate change, but it has also led to widespread food shortages and local civil conflicts. And over the past year in Ukraine, Russian troops have directly damaged that nation’s already vulnerable water systems, including pipelines, pumping stations, and treatment facilities. These repeated attacks on water infrastructure have not only undermined local livelihoods in Ukraine, but they have also polluted surface waters and threatened biodiversity.
One Year Later: An Interview with Ukrainian Member of Parliament, Kira Rudik
›Nearly a year ago, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Wilson Center’s Sarah B. Barnes spoke with Member of Parliament Kira Rudik about the impact of the war on Ukraine’s women and children. Barnes and Rudik spoke again a few days ago, as the first anniversary of the conflict approached. Their conversation touched on the current state of the war, including impacts on infrastructure, the ongoing refugee crisis, schooling for Ukraine’s children, and retaining Ukraine’s heritage.
Water and Conflict: Updates from the Russia-Ukraine War
›The first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is also a reminder of the long-term challenges faced by that embattled country, including one of the most important resources for human survival: water.
“For Ukrainians, water has been under fire for nearly a decade,” observed Erika Weinthal, Professor of Environmental Policy and Public Policy at Duke University, at a recent Water @ Wilson Series event: “Water and Conflict: Updates from the Russia-Ukraine War,” co-hosted by the U.S. Water Partnership.
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